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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

7 Days Brazilian Slimming Coffee: How Effective plus Sideeffects (Review)

 Is the 7 Days Brazilian Slimming Coffee effective? What are the side effects of 7 Days Brazilian Slimming Coffee?  How to know if it's authentic or fake?

I have heard about 7 Days Brazilian Slimming Coffee from people who actually use the product and vowed that it worked for them in a span of 5 days.  I am skeptic of course. So I made my hours of research online about the product as well as the various testimonies of people.

This the description of the 7 Day Brazilian Slimming Coffee:

Price: 150 - 200 pesos php (Others sell it for as high as 450 pesos)


No taboos, No diet, No diarrhea

Mainly by the waist, legs, back, arm fat, will not pose a threat to the chest.
Will not rebound
slimming beauty correct
Natural materials and plant extracts, using safe, no side effects.


not suitable for “Preganant women, patients in serious conditions should not drink this. ”

How should it be taken

Mix one sachet of slimming coffeewith 6 to 8 ounces of water, 30 minutes before breakfast. Drink more water for optimal results.


Coffee and tea powder, garnicia cambogia, (HCA)(’like leisure coffee), fruit and vegetable fiber mineral and multi vitamin.
12 bags OR sachets
7 days slimming coffee is a fast acting fat burning beverage effective for weight loss without side effect and dependency. It is one of the best seller brand with high reputation from its consumers.

Weight loss made simple and rapid. You will lose excess pounds and become slimmer that you can see and feel in just 7 days. It is tasty and refreshing, good for fatty people, night worker and those who wish to keep fit.

How Effective and what are the side effects:
So far, all testimonies from users that I've read online are positive. Many of them lost 5 lbs in 7 days.  There are also no reported major bad side effects, except for excessive thirst for some and lessened appetite (the latter is not really bad for weight loss purposes) .

For review sake, I am working on buying authentic, genuine, original 7 Days Brazilian Slimming Coffee. I already texted a reputable seller and am waiting for her response.  I will try this weight loss coffee for 7 days and I will give you my honest review.

How to know if 7 Days Brazilian Slimming Coffee is authentic? Here are some guidelines I searched online:

  • - Silver writing is super embossed
  • - with dark brown logo

Take note, online sources say that there are authentic and class a versions of this coffee. I will shed more light into this after I get my coffee. So please bookmark my blog for future updates.


Okay i've had a few sips of this BRAZILIAN SLIMMING COFFEE. My verdict is NOPE it does not make you lose weight fast or miraculously! BUT IT CAN HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT!

My views may run contrary to many testimonies you find online but this is how I experienced the slimming coffee.

Let me go into details:

Very tolerable. It is almost tasteless actually.COOL because you don't t experience that medicine like taste in your mouth. The smell doesn't cling to your mouth so that's nice. But as a coffee lover, I am not a fan of it's taste.

AFTER EFFECTS of drinking:
Nothing weird, or bizarre. No headaches, no dizziness... no diarrhea...nothing... After drinking it, I just went doing the usual things I do. BUT, it did suppress my appetite. I wasn't thinking of grabbing some snacks every now and then. I think the coffee's amazing effect in suppressing your appetite is what makes you lose weight in the long run.

In my case, as long as I have not nibbled any food, am safe, because the moment I have started eating, I'm just back to my old self again- i mean the appetite is there.So I EAT EAT EAT! 

I did not lose a kilo or 5 kilos as others would claim in a week's time. So I guess the effects differ from person to person.

Bear in mind, I am only 47 1/2 kilos so I really don't need this slimming coffee at all.

well if you wan't to lose weight, the coffee will only suppress your appetite. Still a good thing. BUT the coffee is not  your wonder slimming coffee..

UPDATES as of February 2011:

Check out some of the negative comments about this product from various users:


hi,tried the coffee.and im on my second box already. each box contains 12 sachets.yup,its tasteless.a friend of mine told me that she started to lose weight on her third box. like you,i just lost my appetite too. and i feel thirsty every 30mins or so. BUT was wondering with the volume of water i drink a day its like suppresses your urine output as well.and constipation(hellooo???where's the fiber here as indicated in the box???)it changed my sleeping pattern as well. after a 4-5hrs sleep. i'm up and about(no kidding). and i can sustain the whole day without getting tired or sleepy nor crave for food.

i just opened my 2nd box yesterday. what the heck! its holiday season anyway. my tastebuds wont agree with all those cholesterol laden food.hahahaha.

p.s. here in our place its being sold at P180-200/ box.



i've tried this coffee. at first, i like the effect of this coffee to my body. coz i sweat like i've been playing basketball for an hour. and i'm always thirsty too. it loses my appetite too.but on my 8th day of drinking this coffee.i've experienced palpitations and hardness on breathing. even my heart beat rate booms up! my mom told me to stop drinking this coffee for awhile so that we can observe if it's the coffee that cause me palpitations. i stopped drinking for 2 days, then my heart beat became normal again. and i can breathe freely. i guess this coffee had some content that makes me hard to breathe whenever i drink this.. at this moment, i still drink this coffee because i have constipation and it makes me poop everyday. but i make sure that i will drink this every other day because everytime i drink this, i'm finding hard time to breathe:(


i was fascinated by the effect of this coffee since my aunt is using it for almost three weeks and she really loose weight. Because of the fast result i tried it. At first i feel thirsty and my appetite lessen. But same with grazie it causes me palpitations.. I think their is something in the coffee that makes my heart beats so fast. I just try it once and im afraid to try a second sachet..


hi im also taking this slimming coffee im actually 83 kg before and after i took 3 boxes i became 75 kg its really effective but somehow upon reading ur comments guys i also felt the palpitations and heart burn as well thought just got those symptoms bec i just started working but then again im now thinking that i got those by taking the coffee...

btw Confessant tnx for starting this thread at least we're now aware abt the good and somehow bad effects of the prod.. :)


i've experienced palpitations and hardness on breathing. but its effective on lossing wt.


i've experienced constipation..

hi . I am 17 y.o and i am drinking brazilian coffee every morning. I make it as my habit and a routine. But I stopped drinking after 3 weeks because of certain effects. First, I began crash dieting. Drinking this coffee suppress my appetite and eats only crackers for lunch, milk and banana for brkfast. If I forcely intake food, I usually puke them out. My sleeping pattern was only 2 hours. My friend's dad was a media in a certain company, he gone to BFAD ( bureau of food and drugs) and asked about the Brazilian Coffee.

This is the BFAD's STATEMENT :

Brazilian Coffee was banned in Brazil for its bad effects like having kidney defects and distributed their stocks to the other countries particularly in the Philippines.

It is a wide spread and it is commonly being brought at the chinese drugstores. Brazilian coffee is not BFAD approved.

-- hearing upon statement, I began worrying about my health and how would I get back to my usual lifestyle. Even though I stopped drinking this coffee, still I can experience, shortness of breath, Shaking, coffee addiction, headache, muscle pain, suppression of appetite, insomnia and the like.


  1. hello there, how many days are you taking the product and are you still using this?

  2. hi there miss/mr anonymous!

    I tried the coffee for 7 days. No i am not using it anymore. It does not make you lose weight tremendously as others claim. In my case, i just lost my appetite, but once ive started eating the appetite kicked in again.

    The best way so far for me when it comes to losing weight is the apple diet. It worked even up to now. i made a post about it here:

  3. hi,tried the coffee.and im on my second box already. each box contains 12 sachets.yup,its tasteless.a friend of mine told me that she started to lose weight on her third box. like you,i just lost my appetite too. and i feel thirsty every 30mins or so. BUT was wondering with the volume of water i drink a day its like suppresses your urine output as well.and constipation(hellooo???where's the fiber here as indicated in the box???)it changed my sleeping pattern as well. after a 4-5hrs sleep. i'm up and about(no kidding). and i can sustain the whole day without getting tired or sleepy nor crave for food.
    i just opened my 2nd box yesterday. what the heck! its holiday season anyway. my tastebuds wont agree with all those cholesterol laden food.hahahaha.

    p.s. here in our place its being sold at P180-200/ box.


  4. i've tried this coffee. at first, i like the effect of this coffee to my body. coz i sweat like i've been playing basketball for an hour. and i'm always thirsty too. it loses my appetite too.but on my 8th day of drinking this coffee.i've experienced palpitations and hardness on breathing. even my heart beat rate booms up! my mom told me to stop drinking this coffee for awhile so that we can observe if it's the coffee that cause me palpitations. i stopped drinking for 2 days, then my heart beat became normal again. and i can breathe freely. i guess this coffee had some content that makes me hard to breathe whenever i drink this.. at this moment, i still drink this coffee because i have constipation and it makes me poop everyday. but i make sure that i will drink this every other day because everytime i drink this, i'm finding hard time to breathe:(

  5. i was fascinated by the effect of this coffee since my aunt is using it for almost three weeks and she really loose weight. Because of the fast result i tried it. At first i feel thirsty and my appetite lessen. But same with grazie it causes me palpitations.. I think their is something in the coffee that makes my heart beats so fast. I just try it once and im afraid to try a second sachet..

  6. Can i drink 2 sachet in a day?

  7. Hi,

    I am using 7 days Brazilian coffee almost 1 month and i can say that this is very effective, from 142 pounds to 129 pounds...I lost my appetite and always thirsty ..I drink to much of water every day..One of the side effects is it keep me constipated but i tried drinking BIO-FIT and it help rid constipation.

  8. hi,
    I am using this 7 days Brazilian coffee for almost 2 months and it really works for me. My waist measures 30 inches before I take it, but now, it measures 26 inches.When I take the first box I also experienced heart palpitations but after the 2 boxes until now it disappears and I felt normal now..It was just the excessive thirst that I you can even live without a water with you every other minute.. I really like it because by drinking too much water helps my inner body circulations promotes water therapy so it is very essential for your body..before my weight was 50 kls. now I weigh 43 kls..Why dont you just try??but just feel out for the heart palpitation effects maybe it would not fit in your heart condition.

  9. hi there.. i am currently on my first box, on my 8th sachet to be exact.. last week i was weighing 57.5 and as of today my weight is 56kg.. just like the other i also experienced some palpitations and i perspire too much.. even in this weather with our temperature is a bit low. i must say it really works.

  10. it's so nice to know this coffee works well to you guys! keep sharing your experiences..:)

    -The Confessant

  11. Please read the following information about the slimming coffee.

    I started to ask my questions after I mixed my coffee with suka from my cup and saw a green slew of thing in my coffee. Vino warned us about this when me and mamu started to take it told us a story abt her aunt who died because of drinking these things. Effects on renneth were she had lbm whenever she would take it thats why she stopped, After reading this I will never think of taking this ever again. Yeah it is effective but somehow the question still remains to be why stuff this good is not becoming a staple and not widely advertise and had to be bought underground in divisoria and all these places. As it turns out, these things in the internet shows up.

    I read this blog and started to

    Read This too:

    And these too:

    And test it on your own slimming coffee. Or better yet have it tested by any chemist you know or BFAD.

  12. hello everyone, I also drink brazilian coffee, it works but not that rapid, I noticed the changes especially in my body, before my dress is tight after drinking 1 box of this coffee my dress become loosen, there is really an effect. It is sold already in the drugstore..Is it authentic?

  13. @remy,

    I read the links you gave me. Unfortunately, the writer of the first link only made that assumption. even her experiment was not credible primarily because she used water instead of alcohol in her experiment.

    "Phenolphthalein is insoluble in water and is usually dissolved in alcohols for use in experiments. "

    I'm not endorsing these slimming coffees/drinks though! They may or may not be effective. There are too many things left unrevealed about these slimming drinks. So the risks are still high.

    Doing the natural way of losing weight is still the best and cost effective.

  14. hi im also taking this slimming coffee im actually 83 kg before and after i took 3 boxes i became 75 kg its really effective but somehow upon reading ur comments guys i also felt the palpitations and heart burn as well thought just got those symptoms bec i just started working but then again im now thinking that i got those by taking the coffee...

    btw Confessant tnx for starting this thread at least we're now aware abt the good and somehow bad effects of the prod.. :)

  15. @anonymous, you are welcome! :)

  16. I just started my first sachet yesterday. I will be finishing my box of coffee and I will comeback and share you guys the result.

  17. i've experienced palpitations and hardness on breathing. but its effective on lossing wt.

  18. i've experienced constipation..

  19. hi . I am 17 y.o and i am drinking brazilian coffee every morning. I make it as my habit and a routine. But I stopped drinking after 3 weeks because of certain effects. First, I began crash dieting. Drinking this coffee suppress my appetite and eats only crackers for lunch, milk and banana for brkfast. If I forcely intake food, I usually puke them out. My sleeping pattern was only 2 hours. My friend's dad was a media in a certain company, he gone to BFAD ( bureau of food and drugs) and asked about the Brazilian Coffee.
    This is the BFAD's STATEMENT :

    Brazilian Coffee was banned in Brazil for its bad effects like having kidney defects and distributed their stocks to the other countries particularly in the Philippines.
    It is a wide spread and it is commonly being brought at the chinese drugstores. Brazilian coffee is not BFAD approved.

    -- hearing upon statement, I began worrying about my health and how would I get back to my usual lifestyle. Even though I stopped drinking this coffee, still I can experience, shortness of breath, Shaking, coffee addiction, headache, muscle pain, suppression of appetite, insomnia and the like.

  20. @anonymous,

    Oh my goodnesss! That is so scary. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I will quote your comment above and include it in my post. Please let us know more if you experience other ill effects of this coffee.

    Thank you.

    The Confessant

  21. i felt shaking and i am constiating. is it a bad thing?... today is my 7th day of using the coffee....

  22. looking back @Remy's post, links about the Coffee,
    I did some research on my own too. Brazilian Coffee has an ingredient called (HCA)Heterocylic amine which maximizes carcinogens into our body. Carcinogens are converted to a human enzymes to epoxides which attacks the DNA permanently.

  23. Im on my 6th day of using the coffee,and true enough, i've lost some weight, but for the past few days, i've been feeling really sick, i also had chest pains, difficulty in breathing and my sleep patterns have been disrupted..i decided to check out other feedbacks about this product and after reading the other threads,my suspicions were confirmed. i have decided to stop using the product..ive made some research and i've found out that it really causes some bad effects on the heart.. hope this helps, here's the article :

  24. it is normal my discharge is bloody color? i wear always panty liners coz my panty had a brownish color or sometimes red..y is that so?

  25. @anonymous,

    May I ask if this discharge occured after drinking Brazilian coffee? A brownish, reddish discharge is not normal.. Anyway, i did a little research to answer your question. Here is what i found:

    "Vaginal discharge that suddenly changes in color, consistency, odor or amount may be a sign of problem. Vaginal yeast infections will produce a cottage cheese like discharge that is white in color. Trichomoniasis, caused by the Trichomonas vaginalis organism, will produce a watery, yellowish or greenish bubbly discharge. Bacterial vaginosis, caused by the Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria, will produce a white, gray or yellowish thin vaginal discharge. Any of the infections can be treated with antibiotics and usually respond within days of the treatment. If the vaginal discharge is caused by a sexually transmitted disease, your sexual partner should be treated as well.

    A dark, discolored, or brown discharge, which can happen at the end of the menstrual cycle, is old blood from the period that is being discharged. A red color is associated with spotting blood and can occur when ovulating (mid-cycle), or early in pregnancy.

    If there is spotting at the time of the regular period rather than the regular flow, it is recommended that you have a pregnancy test.

    Bright red vaginal discharge not associated with a regular menstrual period may be a sign of cervical or uterine cancer.

    I suggest you consult a doctor if the discharge is not in any way related to your menstruation and occurs on a regular basis.

    The confessant


  26. My husband bought me a box probably because I keep whining about how chubby I am. Like you confessant, I've only heard positive feedback about it and have seen the success stories right before my eyes from my officemates. I tried my first sachet earlier today and felt tightness in my tummy that slowly crept up towards my chest a few hours after drinking it... No one mentioned this so I looked it up online and I'm glad I'm seeing more feedback... the good and the bad... The Bad is scary... Sadly though, I'm stubborn and stupid enough to consider finishing the whole box... or if it gets worse, I'll drop it like a hot potato!

  27. I'm on my 2nd sachet...
    day 1 - palpitation/tightness of chest
    day 2 - constipation

    both days no appetite, always thirsty

  28. does your box of brazilian slimming coffee have chinese characters written? dis is ella

  29. in my 1st day of drink that was my 5 days of my menstruation. now is my 9 days of drinking my menstruation is still that normal? please response assp.

  30. I've been using Brazilian coffee for quite sometime now. i am on my 5th box already. i weigh 60 kilos and now i am 56 kilos not much but i am very happy about it. it just so happen that lately I have been feeling sick. i had headache and palpitations and it scares me. so i decided to search on the net about the testimonies of others and i was right. it is the side effects of the coffee. now, i have the dilemma of stopping the coffee and save my health or continue a little while til i will reach my ideal weight which is 52kilos.

    by the way, i was fooled on my first purchased of the coffee. there is this lady who was selling me 3 boxes of Brazilian coffee for 850 per box! so, guys be careful... it only cost 220 per box for all you know!

  31. available ba ito sa mercury drug stores? how much? thanx

  32. guys, am so sorry.. i was out kasi so i wasn't able to check my blog..

    anyway, am glad you all found this post of mine. marami na rin ng share ng experiences nila with this coffee.

    most users say nabawasan timbang nila but yun nga may mga side effects. if you experience any ill effects after drinking this coffee, siguro you better stop muna.. we don't know exactly the ingredients nung coffee kasi.. we might succeed losing weight but on the downside baka mas matindi naman yung negative effects. baka it's not worth taking the risks.

    If you really all want to lose weight, try the apple diet. this has worked for me.. apple lang for 3 days plus water. or if di kaya kasi may work kayo, just eat veges, fish, and other fruits but always in moderation.. this is safer and gaganda pa balat ninyo..

    as for the my other reader na up to now may menstruation pa rin, that could be hormonal.. if the bleeding is still heavy and won't stop, better consult a doctor agad. it's hard to speculate kasi health natin nakasalalay..

    as for the other commentator, di ako sure if you can get one sa mercury..usually online ang bentahan.. be careful lang po sa fakes..

  33. @ella,

    iba iba yung packaging kasi ng brazilian coffee. but yes may chinese characters yung ibang packaging, yung silver ang kulay nong logo

  34. hi, im one of those people who wanted to lose weight and still trying, iv heard a lot about this brazilian coffe, a friend of mine gave me 2 sachet.. and yes i did follow the instructions.. the taste is tolerable though for a coffee drinker like me its quite far from the taste im expecting. i've experienced a lose of appetite and a thirst for water like you all felt, palpitation and some sleep disturbance because, my body is totaly resting but my mind is not. this is the bad effects ive encounter in using this product. so aftering experiencing all this itry to look for a bfad approved and to my surprise its not approved by bfad which means there is something in this product. Ive tried using meth before and the effects are almost the same. after my third sachet i decided to stop drinking it to prevent my self from further damage, and i choose to enroll to nearby gym instead. ive realize that i rather earn it the hard way than do it the easiest way and suffer greatly in the future. Prevention is still better than cure.

  35. im just 27 yrs old with 1 baby. im so fat right now due to my pregnancy.its good that i got this website! it really helps me alot. im about to purchase this afternoon in robinsons metro east but i didnt buy it coz the lady was giving me for 300pesos per box. my friend recommend me this coffee and she said its only for 180. so i think its better not to try this coz i just saw one comment and her dad went to BFAD and they got a report that this Brazilian Coffee was banned in Brazil for its bad effects...

  36. don't drink this coffee if you are pregnant. be careful with what you take in if you are conceiving. it's very dangerous as whatever you do and put in your body affects your child. so please don't drink this coffee or any other coffee/beverage/food that is not approved by your doctor.

  37. Hi,I was planning to try this coffee and order it from a reputable seller. Is it advisable to buy this product, i mean besides the negative side effects like the palpitations is it because you are using the gold sachet which is a strong one? I heard that the silver lining is the mild one and won't cause you palpitations. is it true? thanks.

  38. @anonymous, i don't recommend people to use this product. Siguro, the milder Brazilian Coffee won't cause palpitations however, given the negative feedbacks from various users and the fact that this coffee is not BFAD approved, i suggest you stay away from this product.

    If you really want to lose weight, do it the natural way. Have you read my article about the apple diet? It works great not only does it help you lose weight it also detoxifies the body, hence you get better skin afterwards..:)

    thanks for visiting.

    The Confessant

  39. i've seen the effects of this coffee on my neighbor, from being obese pumayat talaga xa after finishing her 3rd box. that convinced me to try the prod since dami ko nang na try tlaga desperate to trim down coz after giving birth i've gained 11 kgs. due to breastfeeding, now that i've weaned my baby, i dare to try this coffee & true enough feeling ko effective xa kc i'm not craving anymore,i've lost my appetite. 3 kgs. kaagad na bawas sa weight ko in less than a week, & the good thing is i never felt any palpitations & i can stand with less food intake but of course i really do thirst for more & more water...i'm just aiming to get back to my old weight 49 & maybe stop consuming this prod...of course diet & healthy foods are better than this coffee...but for me whose desperate this prod gives me hope.

  40. I'll scroll all the comments and after what i read, I challenge to anyone to study all those ingredients of this brazilian slimming coffee! WHAT I SAY IS COFFEE GIVES GREAT FEELING!

  41. when a friend recomemnded this product to me, i asked her abt the side effects and she only mentioned about being thirsty all the time..
    At first pa lang i dont believe that this slimming coffee has no bad side effects.
    I tried it to myself and experienced the effects as most of you mentioned here.
    But then i dont stop.and until now im taking it. lahat nmn kc ng isubo natin pwedeng magkaroon ng side effects sa katawan natin. sa softdrinks nga lang may side effects. and even sa milk meron din. its just a matter of proper intake..
    kung naging mauuhawin ka, edi uminom ka lang ng uminom. constipated? i experienced that too sa proct na to, kaya at nignt i drink nesvita bilang ito nmn ay rich in fiber. about palpitation, samahan din kc ntin ng excercise - a 10mins. walk can do a lot. sa sleeping pattern? u can do so much para makatulog (m2m).
    and lastly sa pag loose ng appetite w/c is pabor nmn sa karamihan, ok din sakin to pero kahit d ako guto kumakain pa rin ako sa tamang oras kahit konti, kahit walang gana dahil kelangan pa rin yun ng katawan natin.
    balance lang. dont wag mo i-rely lahat sa isang paraan lang.

    goodluck sa 'tin:)
    bless u all:)

  42. bakit meron akong natikman na lasang kape talaga tapos itong isa tasteless but if you look at it seems original as stated sa signs alin ba talaga ang lasa ng original?

  43. Ive been taking this coffee for awhile now i think im on my second box ive lost a stone but like everyone else have experienced side effects like thirst feeling sick and just recently ive had really bad lower back pain and painful hips this Could be completely unrelated but ive never experienced this before and comments from you guys is making me concerned it may be linked to this?!

  44. I experienced palpitations and tightening feeling in my chest. :|
    I'm mot gonna continue using this coffee.

    I agree with the natural way of dieting.

    Prevention is better than cure.

  45. i am now on my 3rd week of drinking this coffee and i've lost about 7 lbs. i really like it, it does work...

  46. about to finish my first box, i've trimmed down 5 kgs... this really works, really can't control my rice intake before, but now i could stand with just 5 spoons, no more cravings...just water, water & water...i'm happy with the results...2 more box maybe to reach my ideal weight.

  47. I want to order a brazilian slimming coffee ,but I dont know where I can buy it. I realy like it , it does work.. can you advice where can I buy it ..

  48. not all that works is safe.. pumayat ka nga di mo naman alam baka sira na rin stomach mo o kaya liver mo.. iba pa rin ung nakakasiguro ka!

    Di eto BFAD approved! Malamang epektib nga ito kasi may kung anong nakalagay na hindi revealed sa public..Kakatakot!!! haay naku.. mg dieta na lang kayo at kumain ng tama..

  49. ive tried it, after finishing 3 boxes i really drop 5 pounds, yes its true na sobra thirsty ka, but no palpitations, i have a sound sleep.pero pag na achieve ko na ung dream weight ko, im going to stop na. too good kasya na lahat damit ko 10 years ago

  50. ive tried it, after a 3rd box ive lost 7 pounds, but no palpitations, just thirsty talaga. i also have a sound sleep, kasya na lahat damit ko 10 years ago, i will stop as soon as i get my target wieght. try nyo lang very effrective

  51. it seems the product works to some and not to others. thank you for sharing your experiences here. the information you share is very helpful to others.

  52. I have tried the coffee for one week and already lost 4 pounds BUT I cannot sleep well !! I did not drink it today cause I want to give my body a break, I am constipated too but I need to lose at least 10 more pounds. I will keep trying and will let you know..

  53. I've just tried the first sachet. But after a few hours, i've had palpitations and shortness of breath. Now, I'm afraid of using the product. It is best to start lose weight the safe and healthy way. Just make an effort, and you'll see.

  54. The HCA found in this coffee is not the carcinogen hetero cyclic amine. The HCA is from the Garcinia CAmbognia extract known as HydroCitric Acid (HCA) it is used for weight loss, mainly targeting the appetite of the consumer.

    just to clear this out IT HAS NO CARCINOGEN. It just happen to have the same abbreviation.

  55. side effect? skn ung pag skit nung likod...un 1 beses lng nangyare un,pang 3rd box ko na toh until now d na sya na ulit,,,ung pag tulog ok nmn, no palpitation also..bsta guys advice lng kung iinum kau nto dpt kumain dn kau sa tamang oras kht wla kaung gana.khit ilang subo lng..tpos continue nyo lng un pag inum ng tubig plage wag nyung pigilan and most of all sabayan nyo ng fruits dto may appetite kaung kumain at mblis kau mabbusog....kc ganyan gnwa ko ,ok nmn lht ng resulta. bumaba timba at ung mga short ko lumuwag na skin. hanggang ngaun wlang bad effect na nangyyre sa katawan ko. cguro hiyangan na dn. or bka sa routine ng pag kain ko kya gnun. soo gudluck nlng sa inyo guys! pra skin ok sya pang pa payat bsta kumain kau sa tamang oras at importante wag nyong kalimutan kumain ng prutas.pra balance ang pag diet nyo.

  56. Hello to all! Glad to find this thread about this miracle coffee! I agree that it really works. I'm on my 4th sachet and I have seen the good effects kaagad. For now, wala akong side effects na kagaya ng ibang nag-post dito except for naging sobra talaga ang pagka-uhaw ko sa maghapon which is I know has good effects to the kidney dahil sa kakainom ko ng tubig eh nawa-wash out yung mga toxins sa katawan dahil sa tubig na iniinom ko. Sinasabayan ko rin kasi ng exercises like Zumba and resistance training kaya sa gabi talagang nakakatulog ako kaagad dahil sa exercises na ginagawa ko. So i hope, hindi lang sa kape natin ire-rely yung weight loss natin kundi sa mga activities din na ginagawa natin kagaya ng exercise and balanced diet.

    Good luck to us! ;-D

  57. Want to find out more about garcinia cambogia, google it up and find out more about its side effects and how it is used in Indian cuisine. The palpitaions that we feel are heartburn-result of the suppressing effect of the coffee. If you don'like the taste, mix it with a little coffee, sugar and cream, tastes much better and results are the same. About to finish my first box and I've lost 3 lbs.

  58. hey guys, did the coffee affect your period? my friend and i have been drinking the coffee for three weeks now, and i'm happy with the results. i got really slim, and achieved my "dream" vital stat. My waist line is down to 25 inches, and my weight is 52 kg. still normal for my height. my friend also lost weight. we've also experienced the side effect, like perspiring too much and being too thirsty, and sometimes, my heartbeats alot faster than it should be. my friend also experienced the same thing. at first i attributed it to the fact that coffee speeds up your metabolism, which mean your heart will beat faster. i didn't experience difficulties in breathing though, maybe not that extreme for me to notice. i also got no problems about my sleeping patterns, i still fall asleep whenever i want to, but my friend says sometimes she can't sleep.
    the coffee is really effective but i'm starting to worry that i'd get too skinny, however, i'm afraid that if i stop, i'd gain weight again.:(

  59. I finished a box and a half of this. On my first week, the results are very obvious. I sweat a lot, and twice the amount when I jog, it was amazing! I did not experience constipation because I think I get enough fiber in my system. I started at 31 inches and now my waist is down to 28 and counting. But I have experienced palpitations too, but minor ones when I just feel like my heart beats faster than normal. The thirst can be very uncomfortable at first because I had to drink every minute and pee a lot of times til my body adjusted. But the thing about sleep is true. I have always been a sleepyhead and it is very difficult to wake me up because I always lack sleep due to my course. But I noticed after taking the coffee that I did not have an undisturbed sleep since. I would wake up in the middle of the night many times even though I am so sleepy. And I'm worried because I always had a regular period. It's my first time to experience only too little blood coming out, very little, for almost a week. I am still continuing this coffee because it has helped me a lot and I exercise regularly and eat right so I don't just depend on the coffee. I lost 2kilos this week. I too, feel that if I stop my weight loss might slow down. But I am not planning to depend on the coffee. Maybe 2 more boxes will do it. Good luck to everyone! Just keep in mind that dieting wont be enough for it burns your muscles while fat remain. While when you exercise, you burn fat and muscles remain. That's why when you don't exercise and you stop dieting, fat builds up with fat again and the tendency is you'll gain more weight.

  60. was my cousin who introduced this product to me because it was really effective on her...she really lost weight by using this product for a month...accordingly she just experienced lost of appetite and being thirsty...i just started with my first sachet of the brazilian coffee...but after reading your comments on this product, i'm not sure if i am going to continue using it...thanks for your comments and to The Confessant...=))...more power on your blog

  61. hi, well, super effective naman yung slimming coffee, after my 3 box, nag loose talaga ako ng weight.. wala naman ako na feel na negative, yun nga lang, parang crash diet nga lang.. as in ayaw mo na kumain.. pero nung nag stop nko kc natakot ako, i started to gain my weight again..

  62. hello,

    It's my 7th day today and I've lost 2 kilos. I also experience too much thirst and loss of appetite, sometimes i still want to eat but i already feel full. I didn't feel any palpitations, i already have sleeping problem so i couldn't tell if it has any effect on that matter. I plan to continue drinking for another 1 week,until i attain my desired weight.

  63. hi,
    Im about to finish my 1st box, on the 7th day i lost 2 kilos,i experience too much thirst but i drink a lot of water so i dont experience constipation, but my sleeping pattern was disturb, i think i can feel something on my chest too.

  64. hi,i stopped drinking that coffee....masakit sa ulo parang binibiyak....yes i lost 5lbs in just 7 days but still im worried about that experience palpitation,headache and lost of not contuining to finish 1 box because im afraid of the side effects later on....ayoko magsisi sa bandang nga ako pero maysakit i decided to stop....and go to healthy lifestyle

  65. will the coffee affects fertility? i want to have a child and since i'm overweight, ive'd decided to drink brazilian coffee,. I've lose 5 kilos already....

  66. Hello.. a friend of mind told me about slimming coffee, is it true we can buy it at wellness center? for 6oo pesos.. i really want to try.. i want to lose 25 pounds.. His tita and sister are using this slimming coffee and it works on them,, huhu.. but im scared of the effects.. please tell me more about this product..

  67. hi, i started drinking 7days brazillian slimming coffee.after 2days of drinking,i started to feel the shortness of breathing and palpitation.and i decided to stop.i tried the orange juice slimming,but still the same side effect with the i guess its not really safe.cause the doctor said,it contains ampetamine or shabu that makes suppress your appetite.

  68. im afraid to drink this cofee again after i finishes my second sachet today...i cant breath, dizzy, i cant sleep, i cant work properly, to many side effects. Plus additional statement from the users about it is not approved by the BFAD. :(..I think i rather choose to diet in my own ways,regular excersize .. i dont really like the shocked that it is banned in Brazil fro the side effects. I hope i can get back my old lifestyle.

  69. goog thing i've read these reviews! im about to start driking tnis slimming coffee by tomorrow but as i read some bad info. about this coffee, i dicided to just return it to the chinese drug store where i bought it. thank you very much for this blog :) (its like it saved my life)

  70. d po ba talaga yan effective kasi we've been using that with my friends we bought 1 box and ...and after reading the negative side effects, i decided not to drink again.i just used 4 sachets and was really true to lose weight but also i felt something wrong in my breathing.:)

  71. hi guys..i tried a sachet...after few minutes or an hour, there's this one weird feeling....the feeling when i also tried LSD or metamphetamine (long ago) afraid that this has similar content with the bangkok pills? well..

    think of it....only LSD can make u lose weight that apetite, no sleep, and you keep on moving and sweating...

  72. I am about to drink it today but when i read your comments i decided not to..
    Any ways have you heard about lean and fab?

  73. I've only tried it twice and both times I felt sick like I wanted to vomit.

  74. I've been using this Coffee for 15 days now and i really lost 3kg in more than a week. It suppresses your appetite so you wont be looking for food to eat so it will help you loose weight.So even if i dont feel hungry, I still take food on time even for small amount. You really wont feel hungry taking this coffee thats why if you wont eat, headaches, cannot sleep and feeling sick you will experience so better to eat something like fruits,bread or anything to keep your energy. You will feel really thirsty so drink a lot of water always. Maybe on some people but i dont feel any dyspnea and palpitation.I decided to stop this coffee coz i already achieved my ideal weight which is from 56.5 down 52.5. My apetite came back to normal but i learned to control the food im taking each day so I can keep my weight. All the things we intake doesnt fit to all people. If you feel some bad effects after taking this coffee you should better stop coz maybe it wont siuts your body but for some it really works!

  75. I've tried this slimming coffee for almost 15 days now and so far yes it suppresses the apetite,you will feel thirsty all the time but palpitation and dyspnea i didnt experience. Wake up cycle in first few days i find difficult to sleep but i notice why bcoz my stomach is empty maybe my sugar becomes very low coz im taking less food than the usual but when i start to eat on time even small amount,it solve my prob. with sleep. Now, I stop drinking the coffee coz i already achieved my ideal weight which is from 56.5 to 52.5 kg. My apetite comes back to normal but i already learned to control my food intake to maintain my weight. This maybe proven successful to some like me and has side effects to other, but my advice is when you feel something bad better to discontinue coz it only means that it doesnt suits your body.

  76. today my 1st day of drink this coffee, i scared to read all bout the negative side effect. But i have bought it 4 box.. will wait the effect for my body. will get back to you guys soon.

  77. Lean n Fab ---not effective.

  78. Im happy to have stumbled upon this thread... Me and my wife have tried up to 3 boxes... and it sure has suppressed our appetite... lost a few pounds and my tight jeans are not tight anymore... but lately me and my wife are having nausea and cold sweat... might as well stop before it gets worse...

    I've used Meth before and it feels the same...

    Natural way is best...

    God bless you all

  79. has anyone had cancer from taking this coffee?

  80. i already took about 20 sachets now in 4 weeks time, from 85 kilos im just 78 kilos now. based on my observations, the side effects are, palpitation, headache feeling of getting weak. but it occurs only in the first 2-3 days of drinking,. another side effect is, my penis dont get hard easily unlike before. after 1 week of drinking the coffee i got immunized and whenever i drink this i cant feel its effect, so i stopped about 4 days and drink again, then it starts to have effect again. reading all the comments convinced me to stop drinking this since i already loss weight and im getting used to eat light meals. i will just consume the remaining sachets and i will stop it ...

  81. i wanna try it. so xcited.... update you later

  82. Even though I'm only 16 years old I bought my own Brazillian Slimming coffee. Nung unang time ko pa lang tinake yung coffee parang wala lang muna kasi nung breakfast kumain ako ng 1 cup of rice and Shrimp. Tapos nung tinry ko maglakay ng whitening cream sa face ko wala pang 5 minutes nagpawis kaagad ako. Nung lunch parang napa-skip ako ng kain. Then nung dinner na namin, kumain ako bka mga 5 subo lang ng kanin? So far wala akong nararanasan na palpitations and constipations and yung pagka-uhaw ko ng todo at this hour is maybe because of your testimonials about being thirsty or just plainly because of the coffee.

    Just hope this coffee is still safe to use even though it is not BFAD approved :|

  83. im on my 7th day of dringking this coffee.
    side effects;
    palpitation goes up 107 bpm
    cold sweat
    cant sleep
    burning sensation
    hardness on breathing
    no apetite at all

    ingat lang po tau..

  84. finished 3 boxes of this prod, lost 10lbs..i experienced constipation but then thought it was normal..i only stopped taking this prod when i had my menstruation, it wasn't normal at menstrual flow was getting very minimal & the color wasn't red,instead brownish which was very unusual since i always have heavy flows..reading the testimonies made me realize that i made the right decision of terminating my intake of this prod..natural way of diet is still the the control of oneself over things that we do makes it great..

  85. Today is my first day in using Brazilian Coffee. Medyo nafefeel ko yung pagka gutom at parang di naman na suppress ito. Cgro nga kasi first day. Ngayon, while writing this review, medyo nahihilo, gutom at medyo nauuhaw ako. Yung sinasabing pinagpawisan ka ay di ko ma ascertain kasi summer ngayon at medyo mainit sa house namin. Wala naman akong palpitations. I'm a male age 26, 180 lbs at target kong weight is 160 lbs. Will try to give updates everyday at kung talagang effective.

  86. some slimming tea or slimming coffee have drugs on it that's why it will lose your weight.. we're not sure if this brazillian slimming coffee has the ingrediens of a drug because it is not yet tested and approved on the BFAD, we can't be sure on this.

    i can say some that soe may have drugs because honestly, ive tried one slimming tea (secretly) cause i don want to let my family know especially to my dad cause he is so strict. but when he finds out that im drinking this tea he told me to stop but im "hard headed" so i dont listen to what he said.. until he throw all the tea's and told me that it has drugs on it.. even my kuya (which is a nurse) can say that there's a drug on it.

    take note! this brand of slimming tea is still out in the market. you can buy this anywhere..

    so Just be careful guys.. im planning to get one but after reading all your comments im afraid.. so i'll just wait after the BFAD will approved this one..

  87. Just started drinking this coffee, and so far i don't feel any side effects.

  88. my coworker just started using this product and we are waiting for the results/side effects to come...and we just got some question..where can you buy this coffee? the ORIGINAL once?

    thank you.

  89. I am on my 2nd sachet today ,some of my friends used it already also my sister in canada bought it there in a filipino store and some of her workmates used it to .. My sister is a nurse in edmonton and after consuming 2 boxes she experienced side effects and she said it is normal pathophysiology of the body ..

    First the coffee suppress your appetite well ofcoarse the side effect of suppression of appetite is

    DIZZINESS (because you dont eat enough that your body requires)
    CONSTIPATION (all caffeine products can harden your stool)
    PALPITATION (because your heart response to your metabolism if your not burning anything the effect will be palpitation because the nutrients that is needed to oxigenise the body is not consumed so the heart compensate ..
    INSOMNIA ( how can you sleep if you are starving?this is a normal response of the body if you are hungry)




  90. If only BFAD are aware that this Brazilian Slimming Coffee is widespread... they should inform the people if it's really hazardous or might contain prohibited drug...

    I bought a box of this coffee and am on my 2nd sachet now and just a day made me perspire like a gallon of water washed off my body.

    Due to curiosity, I hurriedly surf the net to find out what this coffee all about...

    Now I worry, hearing negative facts about it, that it is banned in Brazil as mentioned with previous statements here. The BFAD must issue a statement on this.

    I hope it wont be too late for everybody to discover the negative lasting side effect that hasn't been find out.


  91. hai . im just 14 years old .. may i ask u if i can try that coffee with out any harm effect ? please answer me :)

  92. effects on me:

    1. umiinit tenga ko while im drinking this coffee, this does not happen when i drink the regular coffee like nescafe
    2. a little dizzyness
    3. tightening around the back of my head
    4. i get very very sleepy. since i started drinking this coffee, ang haba na ng tulog ko
    5. na lessen ang appetite ko

  93. sana me magsabi sa BFAD tungkol dito sa slimming coffee para naman magkaron tau ng peace of mind kung dapat talaga na inumin ito coffee .

  94. hi,

    I'm also using this 7day brazilian coffee and it's my 3rd box now after reading other comments about the side effects about this i almost want to stop it but then when i read a statement coming from a RN on (May 26, 2011 6:35 PM) i realized that yes its true... i only have those kind of symptoms when i've never eat the whole day because of too much busy in work. and about the sleeping habit i really don't know if it really affect me because i really sleep late.... but its like normal to me... and the palpitation it happen to me once only, and regarding cold sweat i don't feel that!!!...hmmm because after i have my dance exercise and rest i feel the same way my heart pump and sweating a lot while i feel the heat of my body... until i cool down...

    before I'm 54kg VT:36,28,36 Now I'm 50kg VT:34,25,34 in a height of 5'2. I'm very happy now with the result. i'm not doing this to promote there product because even me i'm so afraid after i read other statements.

    But even i read the other statements i still going to continue using it until for my final 4th box. I'll just do it in a proper way this time!!! just like what this person post on (March 27, 2011 1:45 PM) and i will give you updates in my 4th box.

    And for the admin of this site thank you for making this site, i learn a lot!!!

    I hope BFAD will act something about this!!!

  95. hi guys i think i wont try to buy my 4th box anymore because my grandmom advice me to stop maybe because i may get to skinny enough. which is not good...

    and i also told her about what I've read so she recommend me to maintain nalng kung ano na katawan k ngayon.... and do it in the natural way!!!

    anyway, i will just wait if BFAD will prove this...

    note: dahil sa mga nabasa k d ako uminum kanina umaga ng coffee pero yung appetite k bumalik naman!!! then feeling k tuloy magkakasakit ako...hmmm dala lang siguro sa isip....

  96. Hi! My aunt recommended this coffee to me since she really lost weight and said its very effective. for 3 weeks now, i think iv taken about a week's amount since im skipping some days in drinking it. at first, if i want to eat for a day, then im not taking it for that day. if i want eat less, then i take it. i loose my appetite and even if the food is already in front of me, i feel as if my jaws are locked and i cannot chew that much so im just eating crackers or bread instead just to have some food in my stomach. i always mix it with my regular cup of coffee or tea or sometimes in a bottle of water (just like coffee flavored water). whenever i drink coffee, i always feel some slight palpitations, so same with this; another reason im skipping some coffee days. still, i think it is effective. i dont drink much water. but lately it is as if my hands are automatically grabbing a glass of water for me to drink. it's because im alwayys thirsty.. the coffee's effect to me is i loose my appetite but I become water-thirsty.. now even if i skip a day or two to drink this coffee, i got used to eat a little (or just enough to satisfy my hunger and not my tastebuds) and drink more water. though i may not loose weight as fast as others experienced, i feel i'm loosing it... sloooowly.... gradually...

  97. I had my first sachet today about 10am and havent eaten anything that time. After drinking the coffee I was suddenly sweating fast! Since I was sweating much, I took the advantage of exercising for atleast 30minutes to sweat more and more. But I havent experienced palpitations nor thirst yet as said in the comments above. I kinda felt dizzy too maybe bcos I havent been eating anything except 2 cute pieces of meat loaf, hahaha! However, I do feel like I have lost my appetite. Since it's my first then Im just gonna observe more and continue drinking cos I think it really works. Im not sure with the side effects, though. I'll post pictures on Facebook if ever I get good results with it.

  98. I finished my 12 sachets and now pumayat talaga ako. I experienced also of shaking and sobrang init sa katawan kaya siguro indi advisable sa gabi before bedtime kc i think, buhay na buhay ang dugo ko after drinking which resulted to indi makatulog. Yung pag-inom ko indi talaga araw araw pero sobrang laki ng pinayat ko.

    Just try guys...

  99. hi guys hows everyone getting on...who's stopped, who has started are there any new results? how much weight have people lost? etc I'm about to embark on this but after reading it i wanted to try it hey i'm sorry i'm desperate and the sun is out and as per usual i've left it too late and been lazy so ...don't judge me!

  100. I am in my 2nd box and I am happy with the result. I am 5'6 and 135 lbs before but now im 123lbs. Will just finish my 2nd box. Side effects, yeah I sweat a lot which is good. Not feeling hungry at all but I'm still eating on time. Feeling thirsty so drinking water a lot.Never experience palpitations but I always feeling sleepy.

  101. Hi! I'm also using this coffee I'm on my 2nd sachet kaninang umaga seems ok naman siya lalo na ung pag sweat ng katawan pero dko pa nafe feel ung cnasabi nla na palagi kang uhaw...hmmmp! y kaya?
    Nwe, thanks sa nag post at least were aware but for the mean time ill observe muna since dko pa nauubos ung isang box ko.
    cguro wag lang kalimutan ung proper diet at tamang exercise para d ma feel ung mga sinsabi nla na palpitation.

  102. I just finished 1 box last week and it really worked for me, from 61kg down to 53kg. at first i felt what some of you guys felt such as the palpitations, difficulty of breathing, insomnia, excessive sweating even just for a 10mins walk, and losing appetite.. but on my 3rd week of taking it, i didn't feel any palpitations, insomnia, and difficulty of breathing anymore. but since i got UTI, i stopped drinking coffee since i read in an article that we should avoid drinking coffee while on meds.

    And yesterday a friend told me that i should avoid drinking this slimming coffee because it may affect fertility for women. since her friend was taking in slimming coffee and slimming tea she is now having some difficulties getting pregnant. i really don't know if this is an effect slimming coffee but then i just stopped drinking it for safety.

    Though slimming coffee really does work, proper diet and exercise is still the safest way to loose weight.

  103. My 5th day of drinking the coffee today. Everytime I drink the coffee I still sweat a lot. I've noticed that my thighs are slimmer now and my arms too. I still continue on drinking.

  104. I been drinking this Brazilian coffee for a month and its really are very when a friend of mine come to Singapore i asked my daughter to buy 10 packs. But to my disappointment the coffee is fake its the same like a normal black coffee and its very sweet and its seems like been expired...the first i drunk is with cream this one is totally black...So please be careful there are many store whose been selling FAKE Brazilian Coffee...And to those who selling Fake specially in Baguio be kind to ur costumer it will ruin your bussiness...

  105. hi Guys!
    My friend introduce me this slimming coffee and its really kilos before i start drinkin is 65 and after i finish 2boxes i lost 7 kilos which is amazing...Because its very costly here in abroad i ask my daughter to buy 6boxes and to my dis appointment the coffee is fake and there is effect at all its like a normal black coffee. So please beware folks..

  106. hi,would it be alright if you drink 2 sachet per day? i'm working on a call center kase and i normally drink coffee every break para hindi ako antukin and i'm planning to mix the slimming coffee sa 3-in-1 ko,^_^,

  107. hi

    i bought 2boxex of slimming coffee,and i will start drinking it tomorrow though im a bit afraid of using it after i read all your comments will finish my second box and i'll stop using it and never ever buy brazillian coffee again thanks for the info guys.

  108. I just started my first box today...I'm 189 lbs. hopefully I could lose 20 lbs in a month because I'll be leaving for LA. Need to look beautiful!lol

  109. drinking brazilian slimming coffee really suppresses your appetite, you experience you thirst a lot. I encountered difficulty in sleeping. And on my fifth sachet i felt pain in my urinary tract when i urinated. I lose weight a little cannot determine because i did not weigh when i started drinking it. Though my tummy shrink a little. Guys! your health is in your hand.

  110. i,ve tried dringking this 7days slimming coffe..and i was so suprice that i lost 3kilos for 7 days..ewan ko parang hindi na masarap ang kahit anung pagkain sakin after dringking this...i bougth my coffee in divisoria for lahat ng natry ko na pampapayat ito lang yung effective sakin..but reading some negative post here about this coffe makes me think to finish my second box...actually nung naubos ko yung 1st box ko 3kilos yung nawala sakin, from 65 kilos to 62 na lang ako now..kaso nung natigil ko yung coffe maybe after3 days wala pa din yung gana ko sa pagkain...i can stand a day with just water before pero nung di na ko uminom sobra naman yung gutom ko..kaya bumili ul;it ako..pero parang di na masarap yung kape medyo mapait na sya unlike yung unang box ko na lasang kape sya....hay sana naman ay may masabi ang media dito lalo na kasi madami talagang nakaranas na effective to sa kanila..mamaya pumapayat nga tayo may kapalit naman palang iba..

  111. lost 5lbs in 3 days

  112. Hi, i've started using 7days slimming coffee when i went for vacation to philippines. I brought a lot of boxes with me and shared them with my friends coz it works for me.. I was in PI for a month and finished 2 boxes (wasn't drinking on a regular basis), The last time I weighed myself, I was 80kg, then before coming back I weighed 78kg, then after a week of using it for 7 consecutive days, I lost another 2 kg. My friends noticed that i lost weight. BUT like what others felt, I had palpitation but I only experienced it twice. Then every time am drinking alcohol with energy drink on it, my stomach hurts and always wants to throw up. At first I thought it was because of the alcohol,then last thursday, I just had a glass of vodka with redbull, I went home early from a party coz I was throwing up already, then I got home and started throwing up again until 7am. I was up the whole day. I've made some research on what happened to me, it is called "caffeine over dose". I'am an acidic, am having acidity and heart burn even every time am eating/drinking anything that can trigger the acid. So in my case, it was bad coz of my acidity. I don't think the coffee is that bad, but if you're having any conditions like mine, better take some precautions like, avoid drinking any other beverages with caffeine content in it. We should limit the caffeine in take to 400mg a day.

  113. I lost 2.9 Kilos in 5 Days yet i had UTI.

  114. hmm from 45kgs now im 60kgs after 4 years of working in the office thats why im already thinking of trying this coffee. an officemate recommended it just now and even showed me the box.
    i think (again my personal thought) almost all [if not already ALL] diet pills and tea have the same effect. maybe because of the suppressant that manufacturer adds to make the thing work.. even the taheboo tea which was advertise on TV before..i also experienced these symptoms; palpitation, shortness of breathing in anything caffeine so im not closing my doors yet.

    Ill try maybe after a week after my period then get back with my own feeds.

  115. hi.. i tried the the brazilian slimming coffee. it is my fifth day now.. It works for me very well, it suppress my appetite and i lost inches already.. i am able to fit in my old pants before i got pregnant and i still want to lose more weight. i do experience some palpitations but seldom though. i can sleep well and i feel energetic all day.. i dont have constipation because since i dont have appetite i take advantage of eating more fruit specifically pineapple to fill my stomach for lunch and dinner.. i also take my fish oil which for me works well in suppressing my appetite.. i hope that the product dont have any hidden ingredients because as far as i know from ready the label it doesnt have any artificial components not unless they didnt reveal it on their packaging. the garcinia cambogia is a plant which is family of mangosteen which works well in suppressing the appetite.. i love the product i hope that what was written in the packaging are true and no hidden components..

  116. I found this post from other website..and I TOTALLY agree on this one!

    posted by HANA65 on 11-20-2010 at 08:07 p.m.
    ACTUALLY slimming coffee are not safe if you drink it like water...the brazillian coffee contains a lot of caffeine which stimulates the brain yo excrete more water...this makes you feel thirsty most of the time as if you are dehydrated..this again signals the brain to crave for more you do so, your stomach will be filled with water therefore you will not feel hungry..the bad thing here is, your kidneys are being overworked which later on may cause kidney failure...Another factor why this coffee is so effective is because it suppresses the appetite. Very true that the part of our brain which tells us to eat is somewhat muted by a substance contained in this may be dangerous or even life-threatening when you yourself cannot determine when and what to eat.. you might experience hypoglycemia as manifested by fatigue, cold hands and feet, etc. which may later on be the cause of the development of other health problems. In addition to its effect on our brain, i have noticed that if you drink this coffee you will not be able to concentrate on whatever you are basically, this coffee is not advisable to students who would like to stay up long as they review for the exam. Self-control over food and self-discipline is the key to loose weight...GOALS written on places where your eyes can read it more frequently will help you to be motivated and reminded all the time. For those who still insist of DRINKING SLIMMING COFFEES...please be cautious enough and try to use it in moderation or even in lesser amount as possible.

  117. guys, thanks a lot for sharing your experiences and findings from other websites too. You have all been very helpful.

    To all readers, please read the comments too. Do share and let other people know about what we've all been discussing here.

    Sorry, I've been very busy lately.

    More updates on Brazilian Coffee soon..:)

    Thanks and God bless!

    - The Confessant

  118. hi, i am using this coffee for 3 days, i bought this in chinese drug store in divi @ P120/ box. i read sa mga previous posts na its tasteless but the one i am taking now is "mapait" is that really so, did i buy the fake one? thanks

  119. i can understand where the head ache is coming from, its from not eating people! come on... Do some cardio.Run 3 miles if you must, or take a hike. best advice i can give.


  120. Hey there ! I've finished my 1st box and i lost 8 lbs. Happy with the results yet there were days I felt like I was having UTI. I didn't experience palpitations. I had a hard time to sleep during my 1st and second day. I think you should still eat a little to avoid insomia and palpitations. My only concern is it might cause kidney failures. Please respond to this----- angel

  121. I already stop this today because of UTI. I was chilling and having a fever. My friend's mom has been undergoing dialysis due to slimming products.She's really critical right now.Hope you better stop this coffee and love your life pls.

  122. eto lang po and masasabi ko...kung meron kayo nararamdaman side effects sa inyo sa pag inom ng brazilian coffee eh dapat tumigil na kayo...para kasi sa akin kasi effective ito..i lost 10 KILOS in three weeks of drinking this coffee..and surprisingly wala naman po akong nararamdaman na katulad ng mga sinasabi nyo, palpitation, headache, dizziness, hindi ko po nararamdaman yan...i still can complete 10-8 hours of sleep every day...constipation? i dont think so...wala ka kasi kinakain masyado kaya wala ka rin masyado ilalabas.

  123. -you might not feeling any side effects right now ..sooner or later wouldn't know. Just be careful because that could damage your kidney may lead to DIALYSIS.

  124. Natry ko to sandali kaso wala naman akong napansin na change... Nakakauhaw ng sobra to the point na nag dry yung lips ko (siguro hindi ako nakakainom ng enough water) pero baka bumalik ako sa pagtry kasi may natira pa akong stock... sana gumana. I really have to lose weight e. Sana magkaroon din ng ganito about slimming pills, particularly lean and fab. Wala pa kasi gaanong totoong testimonials ng mga gumamit... May nagbebenta kasi sa aking kakilala ko, kaso wala pa akong masyadong nabasang reviews, e payat naman yung nagbebenta so hindi siya gumagamit... Hopefully may magshare din ng experiences nila.

  125. Sa totoo lang natatakot n din ako dito. Ung friend ko who recommended this coffee was rushed to the hospital. Bigla na lang kasi lumobo ung tiyan niya after 7 days of drinking this brazilian coffee. Sakto naman na kauumpisa ko lang din uminom like on my second satchet. Nung una nahihilo ako pero after few hours sobrang gising na gising ako nun to think na galing pa ako ng shift. I work at night e so i was awake pa din for the entire day after drinking it. Tapos di ako masyadong pinagpawisan or nauuhaw pero di ako nagugutom. After day one sobrang pagod na pagod pakiramdam ng katawan ko. Second satchet, same effects dizziness at first tpos few mins gising na gising ako at di nagugutom. I stopped drinking after the second satchet kasi nabalitaan ko nga sinugod ung friend kO sa hospital. Wala pa kong balita kung ano findings sa kanya. Ngayon that im not drinking it parang laging pagod na pGod ung pKiramdam ko and palagi akong kinakapos ng hininga. Naimmune yata ako agad in 2 sachets ngaun parang paralyze lagi ung lower part ng body ko at nahihilo ako at nasusuka though di nmn ako buntis.

  126. HI everyone! I'm also drinking this coffee and I'm on my fourth sachet now. I tried this because I can see the slimming effects on my colleagues. They really slimmed down! What I like most is that their stomach flattens and that's what I want. Me and one of my friend share the same experience after drinking this coffee, it made us feel weak, as if we're on slow motion and lost all our energy. She palpitated but not me. The good thing about this is that it will make you thirst for water. Water as we all know flushes toxins in our body. So if we don't eat a lot and we drink water a lot, it will really make us lose weight. Water, water, water, water so that it won't have that bad effect on our kidney and urine tract. To drink or not to drink, it's your choice. Decide Wisely and Be Responsible! (Just my opinion :)..)

  127. Hi..
    oo nga nakakawalang ganang kumain...
    at nakakauhaw....
    saka pede bang malaman kung ano ang fake at original...
    kasi di na nga aprobado ng BFAD tapos fake pa ang naimom mo........

  128. hi everyone! almost 4 boxes na naubos ko, i started may 30 until now very effective talaga sya, kasi before 60 kilos ako now i was shocked talaga 45 kilos nalang ako ngaun kung before 32 ang waist ko now 27 nalang wow talaga ang laki nang pinagbago ko.kaya maraming nakapansin but honestly i feel hard to breathe pero simula lang yun pero now ok na. try nyo very effective talaga sya.

  129. As a seller of this coffee i always remind my clients to eat something like crackers or sandwich even if they don't feel hungry at all. For all those first time users...the authentic 7 days Brazilian Coffee is very strong. So i recommend my clients to take 1/2 sachet for your 1st 2 days and observe. Many feedback about the palpitation & constipation and i again told them to stop using the whole sachet...just take it gradually...lessen it to 1/2 sachet and take plenty of water. If you're constipated it means you don't have enough fluid intake and because you're experiencing excessive perspiration double out ang fluid sa body natin. That's why you need to take super plenty of water to replenish.

    Before i sell this coffee, i first tried it so that i can give advise and experience how this coffee works. This 7 days Brazilian coffee have 2 variants. The Mild and Strong. For those first time users, i recommend the mild one. I used to mix 1/2 sachet to my usual coffee time every breakfast. You don't have to follow the instruction that you should take it 30 mins before breakfast. you can drink to while you're having your breakfast or miryenda. If you happen to reach your desired weight and shape, stop drinking the coffee and just look out for your diet.

    To take or not to take this coffee...your choice.


  130. Is the palpitations link to High Blood Pressure? Did you guys tried checking your BP? Coffee sometimes makes your BP rise. I am Obese and has a high blood pressure. Tried my first sachet today with some 30-min walking. I hope this will work, but I will try to check my BP if ever I will experience palpitation. Then I'll update my post.

  131. my couzn approach me to use this slimming coffee and i did try it 'cause i really want to lose weight. After using my first sachet i'm sweating like im dancing for the whole time.

    i also feel the palpitations, dizziness and being thirsty all the time so i tried to eat a lil' and do some exercise and jog for 5mins and then the palpitations and dizziness gone even the dryness of my skin is gone because of plenty of water i drink everyday.

    now im on my 5th sachet and i lost 4pounds. it really depends to the person how they take care of their health.

    try this product but be sure to eat every meal even just a lil' and do some exercise at least 15mins everyday 3 times a week.

  132. since i started drinking this slimming coffee on july 1, i lost only 1 kilo from 55 to 54. i'm experiencing once in a while a pain on my left side just by the hip bone and feeling ko ay rereglahin ako but hindi naman. pero ung dizziness or palpitation ay di ko nararamdaman. lagi nga lang akong nauuhaw so panay ang inom ko ng tubig at napansin ko na yong skin ko ay not that dry anymore.

  133. second day taking this akin maganda ang poops ko.since second day wala pa namanng palpitation at all.pero wag naman sana.taking this coffee with creamer and sugar result into a good concern is to loose weight that's true nawalan aq ng gana kumain.khit nga di aq nauuhaw drinking plenty of water maganda tlga is still my daily routine..kaso this time since even before matakaw aq sa tubig this time parang di matanggap ng tummy ko ung tubig..parang gs2 kng isuka..pero pinipilit ko nalang.kc kailangan eh.

  134. drinking this coffee would help but i think you need to exercise as me..and sabayan ng proper diet..vegie and fruits.i tihnk itong coffee na ito may gamot.poops ko kc amoy gamot.

  135. baligtad naman sa akin ang result nitong coffee..he..he.. lalo akong nagugutom..grrrrrrrrrrr.pano ako mag loloose nyan?exercise na nga lang..pero sige tuloy ko pa rin sayang kc ung coffee mahal pa naman yan dito sa ibang bansa.

  136. planning to stop this coffee because of the nausea at nasusuka ako now! tapos masakit ang chan ko!!! hay nako sayang lang ang pera ko limang box pa naman binili ko.

  137. hi sa inyong lahat! just this morning na discover ko after ko uminom ng coffee na yan,uminom aq ng tubig..malalasahan nyo ung parang may parang gulay ang lasa..

  138. where do i can buy this tea?

  139. pwede ba to sa mga umiinom ng birth control pills?

  140. Hi! I have been drinking (the authentic coffee) for about 2 months now. I used to be 147 lbs, now I am 134 lbs in 2 months. The weight loss is not drastic but the gradual. The weight loss does not make me look haggard. On the first day, I noticed that my craving for food was lessened by half. I make sure that Lunch is my full meal while breakfast and dinner are both light. I do not skip any meal. On my second day, I was a bit agitated but then again, it was the same time I had so many big problems. So it is either the coffee or the problems or both. After the problems were addressed, my agitation stopped. I would always be thirsty, so I keep a bottle of water nearby. I noticed I begin to have more energy than before. I could work better and longer, think better. My emotion is as stable as before.
    However,3 days ago, I had a huge migraine with frontal throbbing pain and could not eat. I was given a strong pain-reliever by the doctor. I forgot to stop drinking coffee since I didn't suspect that it was caused by the coffee. The following day, up to today I do not have migraine so I guess it is not the coffee. To find out the cause of the migraine, I went to have my eyes checked. True enough, I needed to change the lens of my eyeglasses. The doctor said definitely the migraine was due to wrong grade of the lens. Yey, it was not caused by the coffee.

    By the way, I am 50+, with low metabolism and low stamina. So the weight reduction is a huge accomplishment. I have more strength and stamina, I can play with my grandchild, I can think more clearly. I feel good. I am not suggesting anyone to take the coffee, but I am just saying what I have experienced. Oh and I take vitamin C and B.
    To anyone who is thinking of taking this coffee, feel your body first. If you are skeptical, if you have worries about the side-effects, don't take it. This coffee has to be taken with a positive outlook.
    Lastly, I researched on some doctor prescribed weight loss pill and guess what, the side effect is worst than the side-effect posted in this blog.

    Blessings to all!

  141. ha!! ha i think i need to stop this nag loose nga ako ng weight o.m.g kaninang madaling araw muntik na akong dalhin sa hospital dahil sa ang sakit ng chan ko..tapos poops ako ng poops..

  142. I used this product this august lang, first take ko ng isang sachet parang normal cofee side effect at all till nakalimang sachet ako..on my 6 sachet dun ko na nakita negative effect nya..i was about to sleep at night pero ndi ako makatulog dahil hirap ako huminga at ung heart ko sobrang bilis ng tibok..sobra ako kinabahan kya gumamit ako nebulizer pero wala first thought is maybe dahil sa iniinom ko na brazilian takes how many hours bago ulit tumigil kya nakatulog the morning again nagtake ako ng isa to check kung dahil nga sa cofee un..i drink again 1 sachet and after 30min lng hirap ulit ako huminga at grabi palpalation, i decided to stop it than to risk my life..3days na ako ndi umiinom pero ndi parin natatangal ung effect nya pra akong sinasakal sa leeg..You will not feel hungry with this coffee kya papayat tlga pero kung ganito naman mga effect nya it's better to have normal diet..I will have my checkup tom sa hospital pra sure kasi i'm worried talaga..

  143. I am on my 3rd day and 3rd sachet..I've been consistently feel the same way I feel pag naka2-3 bottles of beer na ko..
    - light headed
    - feels like sleepy, pero hindi naman..
    - so thirsty
    - hard to breathe
    - dizziness
    - perspires a lot
    - feels so tired and burn-out

    few effects that may or may not caused by the coffee are:
    - chest pain
    - my lower left abdominal hurts yesterday all afternoon.
    - LBM the whole day on my 2nd day
    - brown discharge while I was like 3 weeks away from my Last mentruation and 2 more weeks away to my next menstrual cycle.
    - headache every afternoon for the last 2 days.

    I will stop using it now. I've decided..too scared. this is the first time I've tried to slimming coffee. i used to be fit but I am starting to get bigger after giving birth with my first child and I am just too lazy to go to the gym or even jog. I've heard about this coffee and all of my friends who's taking this coffee claims NO effects but just the thirst..but I feel different. EFFECTS may be different from one body to another since our body reacts differently.

    IT did lessen my hunger and it did lessen my appetite but I am so scared to continue it and experience this symptoms the rest of the week.

    to all, be cautious.

  144. Hi, i take this coffee, the new packaging in gold sachet. bitter ang taste nya pero i think this is more effective than the old packaging, the tasteless one.. dito kasi super suppress ang appetite ko kahit anung tikman ko hindi ko masarapan kaya hindi ko nauubos unlike sa tasteless coffee,although sinusuppress nga nya yung appetite ko pero pag nagstart nko tumikim ng pagkain, bumabalik yung gana ko, ang ending ganun din karami ang nakakain ko. pero syempre i experienced some negative effects like most of the users... difficult to breathe, back pain, parang ang bigat ng katawan ko at gusto ko lang ihiga (pero pagsinabayan ko ng exersice nawawala naman & bumabalik sa normal yung heartbeat ko), sobrang magpawis kahit walang ginagawa, sometimes nahihilo.i also experienced the brown discharge during my 1st to 2nd week of using this coffee.i also notice that by the time you stop to use this coffee & continue to drink again on the next few days, parang nagstart ulit ako sa 1st sachet... nararamdaman ko ulit yung nega effecta like in the first 3 days of using it.pag kasi nakalampas kna sa 1st week of drinking this coffee parang naiimune na yung katawan mo, in my case hindi nko nakakaramdam ng bad effects on the 2nd week...but unfortunately on the last sachet of my 2nd box i stop drinking for a while kasi lately naging untolerable yung palpitation ng heart ko, nahihirapan talaga kong huminga buong araw til the next day parang may nakadagan sa dibdib ko & it scares me... 2 boxes lessen me 10 pounds. my goal is 20 pounds lighter, gusto kong bumalik yung dati kong weight.10 more pounds to lose.. i hope i can reach my goal quickly & i will definitely stop using this coffee if that happens... but of course i also think of some health hazards this coffee may bring to me... im skeptical sometimes...

    - M.Y.2.P.

  145. hi' i've tried yung weight loss coffee s100... and now im on my 4th box na, and effective talaga siya before i use the product i weigh 140 lbs pero ngayon nasa 120lbs na ko.. self discipline lang talaga actually hindi ko naman na feel na wala akong gana sa pagkain talaga na lessen lang talaga yung kinakain ko para hindi sayang yung coffee, water lang talaga kasi feeling uhaw most of the time... =)

  146. saan ako puedeng bumili or mag-order ng brazilian coffee, kase naubusan na mga dealer dito sa taiwan..?pls. tell me kase malaki ang naitulong saken ng product na ito for my figure..well, thanks brazilian coffee..

  147. hello! i'm sharing this blog to my new clients. lalo na kung nagtatanong ng mga side effects. i told them to read this blog and then magdecide sila if they still want to buy or not. Pero bumibili pa rin sila...:) 7 days Brazilian is the fastest slimming coffee so far.


  148. i just ordered from a friend.the feedbacks are scary but i also want to lose weight fast....what should i do?

  149. hello, pls. i want to buy brazilian coffee but i dont know where..pls. help me.tnx

  150. Hi! I just started drinking this coffee yesterday and the FIRST time I took it grabe sobrang walang appetite ako buong araw! I had headaches and palpitations din on the FIRST DAY. Today should be my 2nd day to drink this but I'm afraid that my heart rate would increase rapidly and it's not good. So I think I will stop drinking this. I read a lot of reviews that it contains ingredients that are carcinogenic and there are permanent side effects like allergies or eye problems... I think I'll stick with the natural way of losing weight.... :)

  151. 1 sachet pa lang iniinom ko di ko na kaya. Grabe headache and palpitations sa first day and kahit the next day nagpapapalpitate pa din ako kahit di na ko uminom nito. Magsstop na ko kahit wala pang weight loss. Be careful guys! Sobrang bumibilis ang heart rate nyo when you take this coffee.

  152. one client informed me that after reading this blog, natakot daw sya dahil sa mga nabasa nyang side effects...pero nung i-try daw nya, wala naman daw syang naramdaman na mga nababasa nya. i recommend Mild/Class A for beginners.

  153. Ijust watched Rosanna Roces interviewed re her upcoming film.she says she's on a diet as part of her shooting preparations particularly having only gelatin and brazillian cofee thus i googled it(Brazillian Cofee)and here i am reading posts and blogs to my amazement and dismay as well.after having tried various slimming drugs,teas,juice,the latest of which is V12 slimming fruit juice,it's but natural to experience all the side effects(palpitations,sweating,headaches,sleepless nights...i guess any slimming product for that matter like this brazillian coffee have similar ingredients and those are the risks we have to take.I am still thinking now if will also try this coffee....maybe if ever i will have neg side effects,i will stop just like the others.I want to lose weight to get rid of my hypertension and high blood sugar just sick and tired of taking maintenance meds.I want to be back to my old form.Thanks for all your blogs!

  154. @momijet, thanks momijet for sharing this post to your clients. I guess it really depends on the person using it din.. Iba iba kasi reactions per person.. I'm glad it worked well for that client of yours. Too bad for others, they experienced many of the sideeffects as mentioned in the post.

    Good luck na lng to those who decide to drink this coffee! :)

    @to others, keep sharing your opinions and experiences! Have a great day everyone!

  155. Can anybody here differentiate the fake and not?

  156. This coffee really makes you loose weight... The main factor ingredient for that is the garcinia cambogia and as per research this is use for:

    In Indian traditional medicine, this species was prescribed for edema, delayed menstruation, constipation and intestinal parasites. In the form of precoction, it was also used for rheumatism and bowel complaints.

    The extract and rind of Garcinia cambogia is a curry condiment in India. Extracts from this species are an ingredient in some herbal appetite suppressant and energy products, though there is no formal evidence to support its effectiveness. It is used in weight-loss supplements.

    And for those who's having the opposite reaction, as any kind of dietary supplement the best way is to check with your doctor first befor drinking any kind of dietary supplements. Be Safe Y'all!

  157. i have 4 boxes available to be shipped. i decided to stop using it when i achieved my ideal weight.

  158. where can i buy this slimming coffee? please advise... thanks!

  159. Now on my 4th sachet and has jump start my active lifestyle. I drink it in the morning then go on a few rounds of biking for an hour and an hour and a half. sweating like crazy which is great because it makes me burn more calories. Yes, i am thirsty all the time which is good because ive never been good with water. now i drink a lot. no palpitations maybe because i work out everyday. may napansin lang akong konting tremor sa hands after intense work out. i eat on time kahit di ako gutom dahil common sense nga naman na mahihilo ka nga pag walang laman tyan mo. so kahit di gutom i eat kahit konti lang.

    I intend to finish my entire box because i feel good about the effect it has on me so far. Alam ko im shedding off with the coffee suppressing my appetite which i combo pa with daily an hour of cardio work out.

    maybe it works differently per individual. ang wish ko lang ma maintain ko na disipilina ko sa food when i get off it and direcho na lang ulit daily work out ko. and my new love affair with water intake makes me happy :)

  160. hi!!!! got no any comments about that slimmin coffee... i justfind your blog interesting and neat!!! its so orgANIZED.. i liked it!!! hehehe. that coffee is really effective... many pips are teelling it does!

  161. hi i tried using this 7 days slimming coffee for only 6 days. because on my 6th day of drinking this coffee i feel a pain chest and hard in breathing which was not usually been experienced. and i have a 2 days continuous constipation that makes me feel weak and feel uncomfortable. after reading all the statements i've decided not to continue drinking this coffee.

  162. hi! A friend told me abt this slimming coffee & in her case she already lost 20 lbs.. im tempted to try it that's why upon searching through internet i got the chance to browse this page. Upon reading the comments which mostly are with negative side effects, im now hesitant to try this coffee & instead go on with my 2 days per weekly dance aero class in our subdivision plus control with my food intake. Before I am also walking alternate with jogging before proceeding to my aero class but recently stopped bec. of rainy days... I suggest to those who want to lose weight, just have some regular exercise (walking of 30 mins to 1 hr. will do), control your food intake bec anything in excess is bad.

  163. hi i start dringking brazillian cofee this day... my wait line is 35 be back after a week.....

  164. I lost 5 pounds in one week. My appetite has been controlled. I still experience hunger but I get full easily unlike before. No other side effects except from being thirsty.

  165. This coffee is just mere tempatations, One lady in the UAE is selling the pack for Ae.65 each, (total reap off) and it is not effective at all. I ahve taken 2 boxes and trust me i have not lost a single gram off my weight, if anything u get the appetite to eat so much if you skip a dose in a single day. I think we have to be contented with our bosy size and work out to keep fit instead of taking this slimming options.

  166. I just finished my 12 sachets yesterday. During the last 12 days, I've experienced thirst, troubled sleep and of course loss of appetite. I did feel like my stomach flattened and I did lose weight. I was 136 and lost 7 lbs so far. I've experienced palpitation but that was only for a couple of days. But today, my 13th day, which I didn't take any coz I ran out and my order hasn't come yet, I did notice some brown discharge when I used the restroom this afternoon... Now it got me thinking if I should keep drinking. Why the discharge? Is that even normal?

  167. I was about to buy it tomorrow, but after I read all your comments, I won't waste my money in buying this. We do not know what will happen to us after drinking this. all of you had side effects.
    I suggest let's just do the natural thing.. workout, healthy foods, etc. and we don't have to depend on this coffee. It's dangerous adding up it's not BFAD approved. Let's be wise in taking up slimming coffees.

  168. could you please send me the active component of this coffee? as i've seen that the main ingredients of this Brazilian coffee is garcinia cambodia which is mangosteen and "HCA" or what you called Heterocyclic amine. based on my study HCA is carcinogenic, so i really want to know the active component not just the ingredients.. and please indicate what are those "specific" vitamins and minerals that are included here. this is for thesis purpose only.. please send it to

  169. im also taking this brazilian coffee and it is my 1st day. ive experinced a mild headache pero nwala nman nun nagexercise aq :)

  170. A Lowdown on Slimming Teas and Coffees
    A lot of people have the presumption that taking slimming teas or coffees is the easiest way to lose those unwanted pounds. Many products advertise the successful effects of their merchandise. However, I beg to disagree with this notion and this coming from the perspective of a female surgeon.

    I have seen and treated many women who come to my clinic for hemorrhoids. Yes, you heard me. Hemorrhoids! Often when I delve into their personal histories, they usually present with a problem of constipation and confess to using herbal slimming teas or coffees. Constipation per se is the act of difficulty in moving your bowels, that is, you need to strain in order to “poop” (to be blunt about it). And most of these women I’ve treated resort to medications (ex. Laxatives) and slimming teas or coffees to help ease their bowel discomfort. However the low-down on these products is that once you get used to relying on these products to give you a sense of regularity in your bowel habits your intestines lose their natural peristaltic movement. Eventually, your digestive tract becomes dependent on the stimulus that these products provide your system and you become more constipated once you stop using them. Also, slimming teas and coffees give you a false sense of security wherein you think you are losing weight when you are actually losing body water. Persistence of the diarrheic state accompanying the use of these products can actually dehydrate you and even damage your kidneys. Thus, the vicious cycle of constipation and diarrhea occurs, which actually causes you to develop or aggravate existing hemorrhoids.
    While the treatment of hemorrhoids is initially conservative, those who don’t respond to treatment usually end up having an operation and believe me nobody wants to undergo this procedure. I always advise patients with constipation to drink lots of fluids (at least 2-3 liters a day) and to modify their diet (high fiber diet really works wonders!) I advise them to avoid the slimming teas and coffees. If you need your caffeine fix, go for brewed coffee (2-3 cups a day is recommended by the American Heart Association) and green or black tea. And I always tell my patients that it’s better to go the natural way than suffer the consequences of having hemorrhoids (Ouch!)

    (grabe! after reading this nta2kot na tlga q. kaso sayang. 1st day q paln now. im still observing kung paano magre2act un ktawan q sa coffee)

  171. I have tried using this coffee. I lost my appetite really. In just five days, I lost 6 kilograms. It was very effective to me when it comes to loosing weight. So what made me stopped? and even preferred to regain my weight because I can't bear with the new sleep pattern, the palpitations, difficulty in breathing, flank pains - when I had the creatinine and uric acid tests, they both had gone up which never happened before my usage of the said coffee. I am not trying to discourage you but I am just sharing the effects the coffee had on me.

  172. thank you guys for all of your comments. lahat ng comments ninyo nakatulong talaga. health natin ang pinag-uusapan dito. continue sharing po yung experiences with this slimming coffee as well yung mga researches ninyo. we could help save lives by sharing information here.

    as for those who are still using this slimming coffee na ayaw tumigil pa, sana naman po once you reach your desired weight, stop na po kayo agad. the longer you use this coffee, the greater the risks.

    sa mga hindi naman masyadong mataba, go natural na lang po tayo. exercise, proper diet.

    thanks a lot guys. please keep sharing this article on facebook . as of now there are 240 shares already.. :)

    The Confessant

  173. I "REALLY" don't suggest to drink this coffee (dot dot dot) why?

    First of all it is NOT BFAD approve, so why you should take it? (simple yet some of you don't understand it I guess - frankly saying). Second is Palpitation is not good for the heart, it may cause you atrial fibrilation or any kind of arrhythmia that may lead soon to heart dysfunction such as myocardial infarction, ischemia or I might say "heart attack". next is, this is teratogenic meaning this contain any substances that are not good for development of fetus that's why they are not advise this "Brazilian coffee" to those who are pregnant or even with heart problems. (that's the simple logic i think.. do you thick so?)
    And take note! normal brewed coffee or instant coffee (i.e. nescafe) are not teratogenic and safe for people who are pregnant as well as with heart problems.
    brewed coffee or natural coffee has its anti-oxidant effect unlike this brazilian coffee which has CONTRAINDICATION for pregnancy or heart problems.
    in short... if this is safe, why is it there are such contraindication written on it?
    and to those who lose their FATS already! you should think twice, this might be a good effect for loosing weight BUT not as good with your health inside your body, you really don't know yet..
    not every weight loss is a good sign rather it might be a bad prognosis that you are now having the bad side effects (gets?)
    so don't risk your health taking this BFAD NON-APPROVE products! we only have one body, and we should take care of it..

    i suggest you, if u really want to lose weight, the best first thing you MUST HAVE is DISCIPLINE! second is DISCIPLINE! and the third is DISCIPLINE! and the rest will follow like dieting, exercising etc..

    good luck to everyone who are sill in brazilian coffee diet!

    PS. there is vegetarian diet or protein diet BUT there's no such thing as BRAZILIAN COFFEE DIET! hahahahahahaha
    and I'm not just a concern citizen I'm also a doctor so everything I said here is based of scientific studies.

  174. @anonymous Dr,

    Doc, thanks po sa comments. Tama po kayo, dapat po disciplina ang kailangan. Walang kwenta din kasi yung pumayat ka nga kaso sira din naman health mo.

    Anyway, salamat po ulit doc.

    The Confessant

  175. the information is scary. thinking of losing weight the unnatural way??? think again. read the facts!

  176. Im using this product since august and im on my 3rd box. i also felt some side effects like excessive thirst, slight headache, perspiration, palpitation and constipation. that's when i drink coffee everyday so i decided to drink it every other day. i can say that it's effective. i lose weight and i like my new figure now. i can wear the clothes that i want with confidence. i guess after finishing this 3rd pack, i'll stop and go back to the natural way. all i need is to maintain so that i will not be using large shirts! to those who are suffering from side effects, minimize your dosage and don't drink daily. we all have different body chemistries so try to find your way to appreciate this coffee. im not advertising it but atleast, look also its good side. stop when you really need to so your health won't be compromised. but for me, all i can say is "thanks to this coffee!"

  177. Is this available here in Cagayan De Oro City?

  178. hipo nagtake po ako ng 7 slimming tea,, bumili po ako ng 2 box ang pag katapos noon ang dami kong ng naramdaman nasakit,, kaya tinegulan ko na po ko nang uminom ng tea hang gang ngayon parating sumasakit amng ulo ko,, kaya mag ingat po tayong.mag diet.. masama pala yan tewa sa katawan

  179. I am a seller of these slimming products. As a seller, I won't tell you that taking slimming products are that healthy. Fiber? Please, don't expect that there's a fiber.

    It's still best to diet (yung healthy diet po, hindi yung papatayin mo sarili mo sa gutom), and exercise.

    For people who can't do healthy diet and exercise, and would like to opt for slimming products, hiyangan ang slimming products. Hindi porket gumana sa iba is gagana ng iyo, although most users claims na pumayat sila (including me). Hindi porket di nakaramdam ng side effect yung iba, it would also work with you ng walang side effect (example, may isang product, original, lahat ng buyers ko good feedback, tapos ako nagkasakit ako dun sa product kasi hindi kaya ng katawan ko)

    some more tips: wag na magmaintain maintain ng slimming product, pag pumayat na, stop na, then please control your food intake, eat healthy food. kung tataba ka ulit, di na ganun gaya dati nung di ka pa nagslimming product.

    1 sachet or capsule per day lang, kahit na nakasulat pa eh 2 sachets/capsules per day, or kahit na nakasulat eh up to 2 capsules. basta, 1 lang.

    I know some who actually take 3 sachets/capsules a day, or tipong 2 products per day. Please, wag po.

    There are a lot of obese people in the world, obese type 1, type 2, etc. sila yung mga best na magtake ng slim products. I'm one of the overweight persons na nagtake ng slim product, pero nung pumayat ako, then feeling ko ok na ako, nagstop na ako, i think overweight pa ren ako, pero nagstop na ako.

    di po kailangang maging sexy. basta pumayat, ok na dapat.

  180. Hello all!
    I just bought Fat cut Coffee and didn't find any comments on this kind of coffee, and I believe its same as this brazilian coffee because the ingredients are the same. It said one should take half sachet of the coffee for 4 days and from the 5th day one sachet a day. I'm on my 3rd day of consuming half sachets per day. I'm 170 and 64 kilo I gained 10 kilo in 3 months. I'm wondering how much i could lose in 10 days. If any one same as my height and weight please write a comment how much weight did u lose. I will be back in 10 days to share my result
    Thanks all


  181. Is this slimming coffee can be also appropriate for teenagers? Like 13 or 14 years old? Need your reply. Thanks :D

  182. I am currently using this coffee for slimming and I tell you guys, from an obese 143 lbs I am now down to 118 lbs as of my last week's weight check. I did this along with a cut on sugar and fat intake and a brisk walk in the morning. I had a hard time breathing and had some palpitations at the first week too, but these went away after my third box. I also had episodes of constipation when I did not eat any veggies or oatmeal in a day. Also, I have been sweating like crazy when outdoors. But I love fitting into my old dresses and clothes that I thought I would never get to wear again.

  183. ang brazilian coffee ba ay delikado kung hindi ito bfad approved?

  184. iam taking this coffee for 3 months now and i loss quite a lot of kgs. i was size 16 and now im size 8. eversince i dont have any bad side effects. maybe those people experiencing bad effect has underlying illnesses before they take this coffee. I love this coffee, its brilliant. We are not all d same, maybe it depents on how ur body take and responded n it.

  185. i've been using this coffee two days in a row.. I am actually happy with the result it gave me, and it did not cause any serious side effects. The reaction was very quick. I am a person who does not sweat too easily, but after my first sachet, i started to sweat after minimal activity. I noticed that my body temperature and heart rate are slightly higher than usual. Before taking this, i am always craving for sweets, snacks in between meals, and my meal will never be complete without desserts! But after taking this coffee, i do not crave for anything at all. I will just eat because i have to, not because i want to. Remember everyone that you should not starve yourself. You should still eat on
    time, and must have a balanced meal, but in minimal portions like a low calorie diet. I think that's a very important tip to prevent the side effects that people are talking about in this blog such as dizziness, headache, sleeping problems, etc. What made me so happy because when i checked my weight on my second day, i already lost 3lbs! I think it's also because i combined it with pilates workout. But thinking about the 3lbs in just a day, it's really incredible! Now that i'm on the second day, i can say that i am still sweating, i still have a suppressed appetite, and another thing that i noticed is that i have more energy. Because today, my mom and i went shopping the entire morning at divisoria, i cleaned our home in the afternoon, i did exercise, i ran a few errands, and i don't feel too tired. Usually, after a morning of shopping, i'd be so tired to do more activities. It's really important to take it early in the morning because of its caffeine-like effect. I am contented with the results it gave me, and i'm going to take this til i achieve my desired weight, of course i am not planning to take this forever. I just wanted to slim down quickly and maintain my weight using exercise and balanced diet. Happy slimming!

  186. Hi, I tried brazilian before and it took me just a day to realize that it's not good for me. because one, the day i took it i was always nakatulala, i know that i am hungry pero ayaw ng bibig ko. two, i can't sleep. 3, i also had palpitations,,, on the constipation side, miracle effect sakin kasi i just took it once then the next morning wow ang effect. i didn't get thirsty much though, pero i thought its really effective and if your target is to loose weight ok sana to. after 1 yr, i tried again, i already took 3 sachets and walang effect, sobrang wala! before kasi i was 125 so i took it, but then realized na i dont need it pa tlga so i stopped. Now after giving birth, i tried it again, i am currently 135 lbs. so dahil walang effect, i tried c-lium nalang, this is actually super effective.. no constipation, healthy pa.. it doesnt supress your appetite pero it can help you perspire also.. it depends on your body,, sayang ung brazilian, its too good to be true ika nga..

  187. nagtry din po ako ng brazillian san pablo city 130/box,sa lucena city 150/ mall may 180,265,at 280php.effective talaga.1box plang lusaw taba sa katawan.sumesexy talaga according sa shape ng katawan mo.kung nareach muna ung tamang shape khit dna araw arawin magtake ng kofi at lahat nmn ng sobra e bad sa health ntin dba..may allergic ashtma ako pro d naman ako inaatake pag nagkokofi ako. .SIDE EFFECTS SKIN EH SOBRA MAGPAWIS KC NGA NALULUSAW ANG TABA,NATURAL MAUHAW TAYO KAYA TUBIG MARAMING TUBIG KYLANGAN PRA MAPALITAN UN PINAWIS NTIN.ISANG PLATE NA FUD HALF LANG NAKAKAIN KO,NAWAWALAN AKO NG GANA,PRO MALAKAS AKO NDE PAGOD.NAGIGICENG AKO MADALING ARAW KC SOBRA PAWIS AT KUNG SANG PART MATABA UN UNG PAWISAN.MAGAAN PAKIRAMDAM NDE ANTUKIN.OK SAKEN.DEPENDE NA SA TAO KUNG OK SAU AT NID MO TLAGA THEN GO 4 IT.KUNG NGTRY KA AT HINDI MO KAYA AY WALANG PUMIPILIT MADAMING PARAAN PARA MAGPASEXY,3 NA ANAK KO M 39YRS OLD,UNG MAGKASYA UNG PANTS KONG 27 ANG WAISTLINE AY OK NA SAKEN BECAUSE OF 7DAYS BRAZILLIAN KOFI.GUSTO KO NGA MAGING DEALER EH.TNX PO.bel mabiza LUCENA CITY.

  188. wer to buy this product?

  189. hi, there :)

    is the coffee really effective?
    is there a side effect?

  190. Hello everyone! So happy to stumble on this website. Thank you Confessant for this helpful blog. I just bought 2 boxes from my friend and I was charged $30 per 12 sachets (P 1,350)I did not know what the name was so I wasn't aware that this was the product she was selling. All I know was it's a slimming drink so I trusted her and bought 2 sets of 12 sachets. She sent me 2 different looking sachets (no boxes). One is the printed one with coffee picture and the 7 day slimming logo at the top and the other sachet is a gold one with the print: 7 days slimming coffee. I just drank my first sachet today (printed sachet)and it is tasteless. Tasted close to tea than coffee. So far I have been feeling very thirsty, a little edgy and no palpitations (thank God - hope it stays that way). I am not a coffee drinker but I love tea. I normally get hungry in the morning and so far I don't feel any hunger at all (Been 3 hours since I drank the coffee). I only decided to try this because most of my friends use it and I saw the change on their pictures (in fb). Currently, I weigh 68 kg (150 lbs)and my old weight is 55 kg (125 lbs) so I need to lose at least 12 kg (25 lbs). I hope to reach my ideal weight and then stop drinking this. Day one: 150 lbs; Will post my progress after the 7th day. ~ Terziella~

  191. hi it is ok na 2 sachets per day?


  193. hi,,i'm still 15 and yet i drink this coffee. I'm super curious kasi of my weight especialy my shape. Yung ate ko po kasi 60kg then my tita told her to try this Brazilian coffee,at first wala pa kming mkitang effects then after 2-3 weeks (galing ako sa camp) nbigla nalang ako sa na-lose niya...

    when i was 1st year payat pa po ako pero nung 2nd yr na po i began gaining weight so now na 3rd year na ako i use it(since walang nakasulat na it's not alllowed for children..). sa first i was not contented. sa 3rd day ko,i began waking up at 2am and maybe until 3am.I suffer a lot. Bigla akong nagkakaroon ng muscle pains,back pains, and i sleep a lot at school(A.C.E system po kasi)..So, I decided to stop muna kahit na i know na i feel much more lighter kasi naman po I'm worried about my sleeping habits and the pains na nararanasan ko. After 3 mons napansin kong medyo tumataba ulit ako so i tried it again(kasi naman naiinggit ako kay ate whenever i see her). Si ate ang taga bili ng coffee ko at d price of P120.00.. I also have doubts na panu kaya kung fake pero seeing ate na payat na makes me think the other way. Today's my 5th day pero maganda naman na kasi i dont feel yung mga backpains and yung paputolputol na tulog ko noon plus i walk 30 mins to school kaya cguro medyo nakikita ko na yung mga effects, but after reading yung mga comments sa taas parang bumabalik yung doubts ko lalo na po dun sa hindi sya approved ng BFAD and yung kidney problems..natatakot na po akong gumamit kahit na i see na yung mga results.. What I want to ask lang po is Ano po ba ang pwede kong gawin as a diet para i don't use this coffee na?concerned lng po kasi ako baka bumalik ulit yung mga nawalang fats ko...gusto ko din naman po yung Apple Diet na rinecommend niyo kaso mahal na po kasi fruits ngaun and yun pa ang kakainin ko ng whole day....

    thank u po and i will wait for your reply..:)

  194. hi i just stared using the 7days slimming coffee i tried for 2 days already, & i feel like losing appetite and im always thirsty so il give you an update of da result.. but i have a question i have bell's palsy is it possible to use it or continue it?? what's gonna happen??

  195. Hi Everyone,

    If you have tried any slimming coffee and experienced some side effects, please do not immediately blame the coffee alone.

    1. check your lifestyle before taking up any slimming coffee.have you been living free of toxins?
    2. did you really consider your health history? aside from diabetes and heart issues, all of your previous medications should be noted too.
    3. did you follow the instruction? or did you do things like mixing it up with some other coffee or creamer?

    I just want to clarify that I am not discrediting anybody's experience/s with this coffee. But I also want to remind our readers that the commentators in this blog and the blogger herself forms a very small percentage of the regular users of slimming coffee. I AM A CERTIFIED SLIMMING COFFEE CONSUMER AND SUPPLIER. Since November 2009 and up to this point.

    I have disposed over a thousand boxes of Fashion Slimming Coffee, Leisure 18, 7 Days, Body Beauty and assorted Slimming Juice brands.

    I am a call center agent. I have quit smoking on the first quarter of 2010 as well as stopped drinking every month which is what I have been doing from 2008 to 2009.

    I still take my vitamin C and vitamin E whenever I feel like taking them.

    We just had our annual physical exam last July and yes, I am doing well.

    BE HEALTHY 24/7 AND DO NOT BLAME YOUR 7 DAYS SLIMMING COFFEE OR ANY OTHER SLIMMING COFFEE. Like how Dr. House puts it "everybody lies". I may be lying now to you, but I am still, truly, using and selling these coffee. How about you? How honest can you get with your habits and lifestyle?


  196. hi... after i read all the comments on this review for me side effects of this product have all different effects to every person because we all have different body chemistry.. if hindi hiyang sa inyo then better stop it.. by the way the big question i have is this product has a seal BFAD approved.. how's this? this product is available in the malls even here in cebu sa pharmacy pa nga nabibili.. and the sales lady said that brazillian coffee ung top seller na slimming coffee nila.. of ever this is not BFAD approved and BFAD is aware of this they shld have done something i think to stop this product from selling. thanks!

  197. I gained weight after i gave birth.. Im not comfortable being mataba kasi d ko masuot mga gusto kong damit.. I tried slimming products like biguerlai tea, xenical, slenda and trim day pills at wala sila pareho effect sa akin.. Nakita ko lang tong brazilian coffee sa 1 stall sa mall kaya binili ko sya try ko lng sabi ko and wow im on my 2nd box now of brazilian coffee and effective sya sa akin.. I lost 2 kilos in 1 week.. Hiyangan lang talaga siguro kasi i never experienced those palpitations na sinasabi ng iba.. Lagi lng ako uhaw.. Chaka ung panlasa ko lagi mapait.. From 56kg now im 53kg my target weight is 48kg when i reach my ideal weight i will stop using this product.. Healthy diet and exercise na lang :)
