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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Glutathione Injectables' Side Effects: Is it bad for you?

If you've ever thought of trying this Glutathione Injectables, think again! You might be doing more harm than good to your body. You mustn't compromise your health for beauty's sake!

While I was "facebooking" (I don't know if this word really exists), I saw a post shared by someone regarding the use of Glutathione Injectables. I am not into this thing so I kind of just ignored it.  But since, it came up again the second time I opened facebook, I decided to read it.   What an eye opener!  What I thought was a safe thing, and can only do you good and make you more beautiful if beauty is even measured by being "white" by some (oh am not white skinned), turned out to be fatal.

If you ever wondered if Glutathione Injectables are safe, or if there are side effects from using them, you gotta read this.

Here's an excerpt of what I found from

"The FDA advisory said the erroneous use of glutathione administered intravenously as a skin-whitening agent may trigger adverse drug reactions, with serious consequences on the health of users. Injections by untrained persons can also lead to serious infections; and needle sharing can spread such diseases as hepatitis and HIV/AIDS.

“The use of glutathione IV as a skin whitener is not approved by the FDA. The public is strongly warned to refrain from using glutathione for this purpose in light of potential harm associated with such use,” said FDA head Suzette Lazo.

“There is inadequate safety documentation on the use of high doses of glutathione administered at 600 mg to 1.2 grams once weekly and even up to twice weekly,” the FDA reported.

The use of “high doses” of glutathione can lead not only to skin rashes but also to potentially fatal skin diseases like Steven Johnsons Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, said the agency.

The practice could also impair thyroid and kidney functions, resulting in kidney failure and severe abdominal pain in a patient who injects glutathione twice a week.

Worse, a person who self-injects without any training could be in greater danger from serious infections, the introduction of harmful microorganisms including fatal sepsis; or the injection of air into the body, leading to blood clots that can clog the arteries.

The unsafe use of needles, like recycling and sharing, can result in the transmission of hepatitis B and even AIDS/HIV, said

 Intravenous administration, however, delivers very high doses directly into the systemic circulation and may overload the renal circulation, causing kidney failure."

And  here's another one from

"The FDA gave this bit of advice to complexion-conscious Filipinos, warning that high doses of glutathione administered intravenously as a skin-whitening agent has been linked to fatal skin disorders.

FDA chief Dr. Suzette Lazo on Friday expressed alarm over the recent cases of fatal skin disorders such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis linked to the unapproved use of glutathione IV administered at 600 milligrams to 1.2 grams once or twice a week.
?We have become increasingly alarmed that people use this in very high doses intravenously as a skin-whitening agent,? Lazo told reporters in a press briefing at the Department of Health office in Manila.

No FDA approval
She said the dosage between 600 milligrams and 1.2 grams administered as a skin-whitening agent has no approval from the FDA.

?The only approved indication for this format of glutathione is to help cancer patients cope with the toxicity associated with cisplatin chemotherapy,? said Lazo.

Glutathione is a natural and ?endogenous? substance or antioxidant produced by the liver to help boost the body?s immune system. But manufacturers of the glutathione solution have successfully marketed it for its whitening properties.

?Glutathione as a skin whitener was an accidental discovery which has not been really established or proven according to bodies of medical literature,? said Lazo.

?We would like to remind the public and warn them that glutathione injection is a very unsafe practice and I hope they will stop receiving these injections at this point to preserve their health,? Lazo added."

I understand that many of us who are not gifted with a fair skin would want to improve our complexion. But before we go with craze, let us be responsible enough to do our part of researching and consulting the experts.  We only have one body so we must take good care of it.

Why not avail of natural products to whiten the skin. Eat healthier too, and yes avoid the sun and always wear sunscreen.  Take care of yourself!

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