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Thursday, September 25, 2014

NO RICE Diet: Before and After Photos

Rice is a staple in households here in Asia especially in the Philippines. Meals are not complete without rice on the table.  Completely eradicating rice on one's diet is hard. But for the sake of losing weight, I am embarking on this no-rice diet.  Yes I will be providing for before and after photos after a month of trying this no rice diet. Wish me luck!

It's been over a week since i started the no rice diet. But i've cheated though. So here's the plan. I will try (yeah, notice the word is "TRY") to avoid rice in my meals.  But i will have a cheat day, not days or cheat weeks. During my cheat day every week, I can eat 1 cup of rice or less, no more than a cup. I am including a cheat day for this NO-RICE Diet Plan because there are occassions or gatherings in your social life that you really can't avoid.  Exercise will also be part of my daily routine (as it has always been) or at least 3 times a week. That will include cardio, and some muscle toning exercises.

My goal is to just lose 2 to kilos and have my body toned. I have lots of fat on my tummy area and they say rice is the main culprit for this.  1 lb to 2lbs a week of weight loss is my goal. So in a month, I should drop 2kilos or 3kilos and gain more muscles on my abdominal area. Fingers crossed!

At 5'1' my starting weight for this No-Rice Diet: 50.5 kilos
Two weeks after: 49 kilos
1 month after: ____ (wait for the update and No Rice Diet before and after photos)
Weight goal: 47kilos
Total weight loss/ no rice diet results: ____ (wait for the update :)

Have you tried the NO-RICE DIET? Did it work for you?


Sorry for the late update guys. A lot of things came up which totally ruined my diet.  So just to give you a quick update,I didn't finish the NO RICE diet.  I did lose weight for the days I was into the diet. A slow weight loss that is.   From 49 kilos I went back to 50 kilos. I just lost my focus because of other things as well. Just recently, I decided to embark on this no rice diet again. Not stricter than the first attempt though coz I'd eat about 2 to 3 tablespoons of rice if I really crave for it. So from 49 to 50 kilos, am back to 49 kilos again. But this time am 49 kilos but much leaner than the 49 kilos before. I think it is because the NO RICE thing helped in shedding off the extra fats on my belly area. I am down 1 dress size. It is only been 2 weeks since I started the diet. In lieu of rice, I'd have "camote" or brown rice at times, or oatmeal especially at night.  So yeah, that's the update. I'll hope I can continue with the diet and lose another pound by next week. Ill keep you posted. God bless guys! :)

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