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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Garnier Light Complete Multi Action Whitening Cream Reviewed!

Any product that promises to control oil and shine on my face definitely catches my attention. So yes, the Garnier Light Complete Multi-Action Whitening Cream was too tempting that I ended up buying the 20 ml tube for a price of PHP 65.00. I bought this product for 3 purposes:
  1. To control oil and shine on my face.
  2. To help fade my acne marks.
  3. As make up base/ as a substitute for face powder as it gives a matte finish.
 Garnier Light Complete says on its package that is a Multi Action Whitening Cream:
  • Anti-dullness
  • Anti dark spots
  • Anti acne marks
  • 8 HR shine free Look
  • With UVA/UVB Filters

Is the product effective?
I've been using this product for 2 weeks now. I'm using it in combination with other products as well. The cream is a bit thick, I guess but it does give you that matte finish after application.  It's got this lemony scent which I don't like that much but I don't despise either.  

As for the "anti-dullness" effect, well, i am not sure about this.. the product does make your skin look better after application, but haven't noticed much of a difference yet.

As for the "anti-dark spots" and "anti-acne marks" effect,s the results are satisfactory. I've noticed scars have lightened up a bit.  The product seems to work slow in fading out acne marks.

As for the "8 hour shine free look", the product only works from 3 hours to 5 hours for me. Why the variation?  If I stay indoors, away from the harsh environment, the product keeps me oil free for up to 5 hours. But if I'm out, oil start accumulating on my face just after 3 hours so I end up using oil blotting film and retouching every now and then. {Please take note when I also use the "Clean and Clear Deep Action Cleanser Facial Wash" which also promises to give you an 8hour shine free look, my face tend sto stay oil free up to 6 hours.}

As for the UVA and UVB Filters, well, I am not sure if we can call this as similar to "sunblock" or "sunscreen". But before I proceed, let me quote this:

UVB Radiation
UVB affects the outer layer of skin, the epidermis, and is the primary agent responsible for sunburns. It is the most intense between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm when the sunlight is brightest. It is also more intense in the summer months accounting for 70% of a person's yearly UVB dose. UVB does not penetrate glass.

UVA Radiation
UVA was once thought to have a minor effect on skin damage, but now studies are showing that UVA is a major contributor to skin damage. UVA penetrates deeper into the skin and works more efficiently. The intensity of UVA radiation is more constant than UVB without the variations during the day and throughout the year. UVA is also not filtered by glass.

Damaging Effects of UVA and UVB
Both UVA and UVB radiation can cause skin damage including wrinkles, lowered immunity against infection, aging skin disorders, and cancer. However, we still do not fully understand the process. Some of the possible mechanisms for UV skin damage are collagen breakdown, the formation of free radicals, interfering with DNA repair, and inhibiting the immune system

I think, it's a good thing to have UVA and UVB filters in this product. But to be safe, I use sunblock a few minutes after application of the Garnier Light Complete Multi Action Whitening Cream.

My Final Verdict
The product deserves a thumbs up for me! No breakouts! Acne marks are sloooowly fading.(still better)  and the product somehow makes me oil free, although for only a little span of time than as indicated on the product. But yeah, anything that  helps me stay oil free is good, right? So if you have oily skin that is really annoying, you can try this product and see if works for you. Bear in mind that people react differently to  beauty products. Your skin might just love this product. Just do a skin test first if you fear getting breakouts.

Rating: 4/5.

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