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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How To Lose 2 Kilos in 3 Days?

This is based on my experience. This method of losing weight worked for me. It's been almost 2 weeks since I made the 3 day losing weight diet and I've not return to my original weight. Don't worry I'm not selling products here. I'm just sharing what worked for me because this might work for you too. Who knows! So how did I loose weight in 3 days time? What diet did I indulge into?

Here's basically what I did. I went to an apple, vegetable, water diet. I was only getting more or less 400 calories a day. Okay, this may not sound healthy to you, but what matters to me is that it worked. And all I did was do it in 3 days time. 

My Daily Diet Plan for 3 days:

  • 1 medium sized apple
  • 1 cup coffee or milk

  • 1 medium sized apple
  • 1 cup of vegetable soup or  green veges (I used cups)

  • 1 medium sized apple
  • Vegetables/ fish/meat (just very little) 
  • Milk (optional)

As you notice, I didn't have anything for snacks. It's because I did not eat snacks. But if I was hungry then, I'd grab another apple, just one. And I drunk plenty of water, water, water, just to fill my stomach. There is no exercise involved as well.  I was able to do this in 3 days because I was just at home. If I was working then I'd collapse probably due to extreme hunger. As I was at home, I had minimal movements. With very little calorie intake, I managed to shed off 2 kilos in 3 days time. I've tried so many diet programs because I wanted to get back to shape after I gained 6 kilos but it's either I don't lose weight or I  if Idid, I'd regain the pounds after a few days. But this latest method however worked for me. I don't think I lose only the fluids from my body because it's almost 2 weeks since day 3 and my weight sits perfectly on a 47kilos. I couldn't believe at first how easy it was to get rid of excess weights. But it's real.

I don't in any way recommend this. This is for information purposes only. If you want to try this diet, you do so at your own risk. This is a drastic diet and by that there is even higher risk.


  1. very it okay to eat say banana or mangoes aside from apples?

  2. its up to you as long as you eat .

  3. Dwaa! This sounds good and guaranteed no side effects from any chemical substances from coffee or diet pills. I'm gonna try this one and see how it works for me. What I'm gonna do now is bookmark this page on my lappy and comeback 3days after to share my experience on this.

  4. I am going to try this out from tomorrow and let you know if it is successful. At least this will give me a bit of motivation to see it through.

  5. a short period diet with very positive results. i am going to start trying it tomorrow and hope it works for me as it did to you. thanks for sharing

  6. interesting, how about a sliced of bread?

  7. im 52 not that fat but i want to lose weight....i wanna try this!!!!tnx for the info..

  8. Hi, have tried apple diet before for 4 days, and i did loose weight. What's more it's a detox, not only will it get rid of your excess weight (loosing weight) but will clean your whole body.. have tried this before, and will try it again. ill start tomoroww..

  9. great for you marionel!

    But remember this is a very drastic diet. Please make sure you are physically fit before you do this.

    Goodluck! :)

  10. Hi, Im working in the office...
    Do you think i can do that 3days dieting?..
    what about a slice of bread in lunch?..hehe

  11. @anonymous,

    I discourage you from doing this when you are working. You might get headaches or you might feel dizzy and it might affect your work. i recommend you do this during the weekend for 2 days, then just minimize food intake the monday following that.

    Yes, you can eat a slice of bread for lunch if you are really hungry. But of course, if you have a better choice, like say a slice of fresh fruit other than apple, it's better.

    Goodluck on losing weight!

    Take care.

    The Confessant

    1. hi..i wanna try this..pwd ba mg take ng l carnitine pg nagtry ako ng apple diet??tnx

  12. I wanna try this for the next 3days...i also go to the gym 3 times a week. but i work as a sales assistant!! are boost juices ok?

  13. Wow...i just hooe it works for me thanx

  14. I'm 100 kilos well it still work???

  15. Hey,I Really Want An Answer I Beg You!!
    I'm A 105 Kilograms And I Was Wondering Will It Work For Me?

  16. @anonymous 100Kilos,

    hi. I believe it will work for you. You just have to stick to the diet. But then again and again, you do this at your own risk. This is a drastic diet so if you have health issues you really need to consult your doctor before engaging into any diet.

  17. @janice, pwde ka naman kumain ng rice sis. Yun nga lang di kasing ganda yung effect. Since working mom ka , mas mabuti siguro if you start the diet sa friday, then saturady to sunday. By monday balik ka ulit sa normal eating habits mo.. :)

  18. is it ok po sa nagbbreastfeed?

  19. last monday i weigh 77kgs
    now im 73kgs
    tanx po sa apple diet


  20. @minerva,

    wow, you lost more pounds than I did.. Congratulations!
    I'm glad it worked for you.

    1. How old are you and your height and what weight u started at before u lost the weight? because i know the heavier u are the more weight u lose. so if i weigh a lot more than you then ill prob lose more right?

    2. Well i'm starting that diet today at 47 kilos and i wanna lose at least 3 kilos. My goal weight is 43 kilos. Btw my height is 153 cms.

  21. I am starting the diet today at 68 kilos. will let you know my progress as the days go on :)

  22. I think its goin to be good.I'm trying it ........... I'm starting tomorrow

  23. i wanna try this.hope really work!

  24. Gonna try this tomorrow ! will let you know if it worked! ;)

  25. I wanna try it, i'll let you know: starting tomorrow

  26. after you finished the three day diet, did your remain at the same weight once you starting eating normally?

  27. I'm only 15 years old my weight is 68 , i do practise a lot ,,will this help me?? Its almost holiday.

  28. Nice . I did it and lost 2kg in 2 days amazing result

  29. Hey. can i add watermelon to this diet as a snack before 6:30 in d eve..? Is it ok.?

  30. Can we use salt in the diet and cold milk

  31. I really need help!

    I'm 15 years old and I have to be 46kg on sunday because I have a competition.

    I don't know which weighing scale is right or wrong from my weighing scale here at home or the weighing scale at the pharmacy.

    My scale here at home is 800 grams different from the pharmacy so I don't really know if I'm 47.9 kg right now or if I'm 47.1 kg.

    So just incase, I wanna lose 2 kilos within these 3 days. I lose about 800 grams when I sleep so... I know I'm going to be 48.1 kg (on my home weighing scale) when I eat just a little bit of dinner today cause I also want to be "kind of" healthy while this process.

    SO which weighing scale do you think is the most accurate one.... my home weighing scale or the pharmacy's???

    I just got told that if 500grams over is alright :)

    Please answer ASAP

  32. Hi, i was just wondering if there was anything else i could have to drink instead of the coffee/milk and if there is anything else i could have instead of the vegetable soup for lunch. Please answer, thanks

  33. Hi, i was just wondering if there was anything else i could have to drink instead of the coffee/milk and if there is anything else i could have instead of the vegetable soup for lunch. Please answer, thanks.

  34. This helped me great way!

  35. I am 13 and i am about 68 kgs i am really worried please tell me something about how to lose it 😭
