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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Troubled.. Emotionally Ripped off!

I don't know what to write, as I am not composed and I am emotionally ripped off. I have a lot of things on my mind, things I so wanted to share with everyone but I succumbed to the idea that my problems and my worries are all mine to bear. I guess, I could only let you know I'm troubled. I will have to confine myself to my room, cry if I have to but in silence. I know I am supposed to be happy. I should be happy and wear that cheerful smile wherever I go. . But one can't really fake his feelings, well at least for me.. that's what I am.

The most useful things to do now are perhaps to entertain my thoughts and my emotions with other things.. like facebook or some cheap thrills from pc games, or tap my phone and exchange messages with good old friends.. I just love my friends. Their silly messages always make me smile..

I have thought about smoking just for plain curiousity's sake.. Oh the urge to try things that are forbidden or simply just against my principles, they get more intense when I have problems .So these stuffs get on my head. but yeah I won't try these things..

I guess there's a secretive side in me, although I still think I always express my mind. However sometimes silence and just zipping my lips give me a little of that peace I so want although it may wear off and am back drowning in unexplainable dilemma again.

For now I share my feelings, my sentiments, my worries and everything that's bugging my soul to my GOD. HE alone can give me relief, refuge, strength and peace. But I request you to pray for me, even if you don't know me and you don't know what am going through right now. Your prayers can do a lot. Thank you.


  1. why what happened dear?

    I'm praying for you.

  2. i will pray for you but i don't know you.. but it's okay.. wear a smile!

  3. whatever you are going through now.. I wish all's well at the end of the road with you.


  4. Reach out your inner self by watching yourself feeling it instead of judging self for its feeling. I'm sure you would feel better. I do it everytime I feel down. That is one way to reach out your inner self that never feels being ripped off.

  5. @bryan, i wish i could share but for now I can't.. but in due time, when the right time comes i will share it here.

    @anonymous, medyo naa prob gamay.. pero kayanon nako ni..thanks ha..

    @rgs, thanks. i'm trying to smile, even if it may mean am faking it.. it's hard.. anyway, thanks for your prayers..

    @Procne, hallo.. thanks thanks.. dili lalim akoa gi agi-an now.. as in but with a supportive family and good friends offline and online and that includes you, I always feel a lot better..

    @chemalyn, hi.. thank you so much for the advice.. I appreciate it a lot. I think you know me already because of facebook.. me and laurice are friends.. bitaw salamat kaayo jud as in!

  6. nag libog ko wat imo prob dli man prob ang "u know wat" dba cause ur excited about it..although kulba lang jd..

    whatever it is, I know God will protect and guide you kay good girl ka..

  7. @sgc, hhhaha... yes that's my problem.. you know na.. kaw pa wala kabalo..mixed emotions s_ _ _.. it's hard to explain eh. basta.. but thanks fb na pud ka balik lagi..
